Death Knights: Can they be good-aligned?


62 Night Elf Death Knight
Liradori's motto is: "I love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars."

A huntress most of her life, she joined the Cenarion Circle when women were allowed into the order and trained as a druid in order to tend to Felwood and try to respark life in the tainted forests.

However, she ended up getting caught up in war like so many others and turned against her own kind.

Now I play her casually, but as someone who is on the outside looking in. She's shunned by other druids who think her undeath a monstrosity and can no longer call on the healing arts in order to do what she loved and aid others. However, she learned that she understands plague far more than before and can still protect the few druids who can tolerate her presence as they do their work.

Death affects her, and sometimes if she lets it go unchecked her jealousy can tap into dark places mentally for her where she wants to torture the people who -are- able to do what was stolen from her...but otherwise she's a good-aligned DK who just found an alternative way to help out the way she was before. Just with different tools than before.
85 Human Warrior
No; they have glowing eyes.
83 Night Elf Druid
I have a question i cannot find the answer to anyhwere, so far. Where does a Death Knight go for class training now that the first trainer has quit training? In what cities can DK trainers be found?
Ebon Hold, isn't it?
83 Night Elf Druid
Nope, the trainer there no longer trains. I've searched Darnassus, SW, and other cities to no avail and I have three new features that I need training in order to have available for use.
64 Worgen Death Knight
Amal'thazad,lord thorval, and lady Alistra all teach death knights from acherus there in the same room as darion.
85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I can't be good just because I'm dead? *Sulks*

I suppose if I had to give Valindra an alignment, she'd be True Neutral. She is motivated more by personal goals, attachments, and allegiances than she is by "good" or "evil." She is primarily concerned with her own well-being and the well-being of what few "true" allies and friends she has. Valindra can be nice to her allies and friends, but she can be vindictive and cruel to her enemies. Everyone else that is neither enemy nor friend is usually treated indifferently. She wouldn't wish harm on the masses, but she probably won't go out of her way to help them either--unless it benefits her in some way.
69 Human Warlock
Scenario: You've got a death knight, a relatively good person. He died a hero, raised by the Lich King, broke free, all that good stuff. He was a carefree person who took the bad things in stride, and despite the best efforts of the Scourge, did not drain that from him completely.

No one goes through death without their mind being altered a bit, but this was a guy who was relatively stable and content. Even in undeath, with his new dark powers, he still fights the good fight and remains an honorable person, battling against evil.

Would this be a possible thing?

Sure. Whenever I actually bother to RP my main, I make him a completely good-aligned DK. His demeanor is actually closer to a warriors than a DK's.
"it's enormously unlikely that a future Death Knight was a "good" individual to begin with,"

No no no no NO.

So many things in this topic make me want to just cry.

Where to begin? I'll just try and list a couple responses to things I've seen in here.

1. It's a storyline assumption that the majority of the PC death knights were heroes that died. Heroes, running around doing good things. Sure, you get some people RPing heroes that are basically evil, but most heroes tend towards good. It's far more likely that a death knight of Acherus was a good individual before death than that they weren't.

2. It makes perfect sense that most death knights are pissed off. It also makes perfect sense that most of that anger is directed at Arthas, but that some just comes across in a general emo-tastic kind of way. Even Thassarian is really pissed. Every time we encounter him he's far too busy to be sitting around and brooding, and maybe he's just not a brooder, but he's clearly very angry at Arthas and the scourge in general.

3. Angry and evil are NOT THE SAME THING. Sometimes people that are majorly pissed come across as meaner, but rarely does being angry actually make them evil. The vast majority of freed death knights that we've seen are using their powers to fight evil -- i.e., they are good characters.

4. This doesn't have much to do with the main topic but... people are far more complex than the dnd alignment system. That damn thing is a crutch.
62 Human Death Knight
Look at Casper the Friendly Ghost...

He's a ghost... and friendly!!

Seriously though... If you roleplay it well enough, you can pretty much get by with anything.
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