
90 Blood Elf Warlock
I know some people do not like guild recruitments in the forums, and I apologise. I have just decided to develop this concept a bit more and actually work on it.

We are a very casual rp guild, anyone who wants to join can do so. If you are new to rp, no worries! If you are a veteran rper I welcome you as well! No evil here but there can be personal conflicts and opinions. We are planning on setting up some small performances in the stage area of Darkmoon Faire. It will be mostly fun and silly things like a mage who can't pull a rabbit out of a hat, maybe a clown who loves to make people groan with silly puns and slapstick comedy.

We welcome new acts that include but not limited to animals and daredevil tricks. Most of all we want to have fun and rp!

Send me a tell in game or anyone who happens to be online and in the guild. Or send me a note in game with a time I can reach you. Guild finder works great, but let me know when you will be on so I know how to reach you, thanks!
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66 Blood Elf Death Knight
Come join us I think we could use more fun and casual rpers!
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Interest in the guild and our performers is picking up, we are still in need of friendly and casual rpers. We do not raid, we do not discriminate against any race or class. Basically we like to have fun and entertain people.

If you feel like hamming it up and have an act in mind, feel free to whisper a member of Cirque in game or send me a mail in game and let me know when you are going to be online. It is important to note I am usually online from noon Pacific time to sometimes late at night up to three in the am.

Join the chat channel for friends of Cirque at /join cirque. Let us know if you are interested. Leaving a message here with the character you are interested in getting into the guild is a good way to get you on my friends list.
Edited by Viragona on 9/30/2013 11:58 AM PDT
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77 Blood Elf Priest
We are thinking of doing an event for the entertainment of those who like rp events. We have a wonderful quartet of performers who have a routine of dance and music. We need a few more to round out the performance. We need some fireworks and some more dancers.

If you have never rped before we welcome you to try us out. We do not bite, we love to rp and we definitely have room for more people of any race or class.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Oh my the guild is taking a wicked turn at the moment...I wonder if its like this song?

Oo! Another one I like !
Edited by Viragona on 9/30/2013 5:11 PM PDT
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44 Blood Elf Rogue
Must be close to All Hallows Eve, you don't have to be wicked to join the Cirque, or evel in any shape or form. Just be willing to accept there are all kinds of rpers on the server, and some of them are a bit dark, some are filled with Light, and most fall somewhere in between.

I like to think of it as more of a guild of misfits and loners banding together to help each other and have fun doing it.
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