Thanks to everyone that attended this past Sunday. Even though we had a late start with getting everyone setup it went really well. We will continue to progress this coming Sunday (9/22) :D
The group we had is looking like it will continue on week to week for the most part. However if anyone is still interested please contact Daramir (everreal15#1754 if off server) or Leanadra in game with a whisper or mail. We will do our best to find a spot, each week it is likely someone may not be able to make it for some reason or another so its nice to others express interest as well.
Info and Astmosphere:
This is not an elitist run group or a SUPER HARDCORE one. This is Flex raiding so we will do our best to kill bosses, get some loot, and have a fun time while doing it. If you are one that tends to rage after wipes and yell at others for every mistake made then this is not the setting for you. Mistakes will be made, players will learn the fights as we progress and we will have a blast doing it.
Thankfully flex raiding allows for a FLEXIBLE amount of players so I will do my best to get everyone in that wants to join our group.
Things to keep in mind if you want to join up:
If you are interested in joining up please post in this thread below, send in game mail or whisper to Daramir [H] or Leanadra [H] If you are on another server please contact me with my battletag everreal15#1754
The group we had is looking like it will continue on week to week for the most part. However if anyone is still interested please contact Daramir (everreal15#1754 if off server) or Leanadra in game with a whisper or mail. We will do our best to find a spot, each week it is likely someone may not be able to make it for some reason or another so its nice to others express interest as well.
Info and Astmosphere:
This is not an elitist run group or a SUPER HARDCORE one. This is Flex raiding so we will do our best to kill bosses, get some loot, and have a fun time while doing it. If you are one that tends to rage after wipes and yell at others for every mistake made then this is not the setting for you. Mistakes will be made, players will learn the fights as we progress and we will have a blast doing it.
Thankfully flex raiding allows for a FLEXIBLE amount of players so I will do my best to get everyone in that wants to join our group.
Things to keep in mind if you want to join up:
- Positive attitude
Willingness to learn
Reasonably geared - I wont post a necessary gear score because gear does not always equal a players capability.
If you are interested in joining up please post in this thread below, send in game mail or whisper to Daramir [H] or Leanadra [H] If you are on another server please contact me with my battletag everreal15#1754
Edited by Daramir on 9/16/2013 4:36 PM PDT