virtual realms

Have they hit us yet? What's it like out there?
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94 Human Monk
I believe we haven't hit it just yet.
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100 Troll Hunter
They haven't connected anybody yet, and haven't said when they might do so either.
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100 Human Mage
I would suspect - but couldn't say for sure - that Blizzard is waiting to see how 5.4 affects subscriptions. I'm hoping, and praying, that we see subscription numbers rise again finally. After a day on the Timeless Isle I think it's possible that we might see that in the upcoming months. Oh sure, most likely subscriptions will keep dropping, but a guy can hope.

Once Blizzard is sure what their post 5.4 numbers will look like, they can decide which realms to permanently connect.
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90 Night Elf Druid
While out on the Timeless Isle yesterday, I saw a few off-server people whose tooltips said they were there via "Connected Realm". I don't see this sort of tooltip for cross-server battletag friends of people from our realm. It didn't seem to have much of an impact though. The Isle was already a flustercluck and a few extra bodies didn't really make a difference. :P
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100 Night Elf Rogue
We've got coalesced realms already. I'm just not sure what kind of functionality that's currently offering.

As for the sub numbers though, they've been trending downward - and for a while, likely due to reasons that are persisting. The percentage of revenues arising from deferred revenues is not looking good at all though. Blizzard has to do something soon before that account finds itself unable to prop up revenue.
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60 Night Elf Mage
They said the connected realms would be for LOW pop realms. I doubt you will see any difference in the already overcrowded realms. It is not intended to do anything for MG or WRA. They do not have population issues.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I know on the Timeless Isle today, I saw someone with a Stormrage tag in General channel. Not sure if that was someone grouped with another person or an indication of one of the servers we're merged with.
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90 Gnome Mage
They announced that the first two realms are going to be Boulderfist and Bloodscalp? Both B-names, anyway. Normal, non-RP realms.

The tooltip information you're seeing is I think just an updated version of the CRZ information from pre 5.4. The only safe place for us regular CC folk to congregate without getting soiled by other realms are Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
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90 Pandaren Monk
They announced that the first two realms are going to be Boulderfist and Bloodscalp? Both B-names, anyway. Normal, non-RP realms.

The tooltip information you're seeing is I think just an updated version of the CRZ information from pre 5.4. The only safe place for us regular CC folk to congregate without getting soiled by other realms are Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Stormwind and Orgrimmar (and Pandaria) will be merged by Connected (Virtual) Realms.
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