Lost delivery

94 Blood Elf Paladin
Koudo balanced herself as her assistant finished latching the final clasp of her armor. She didn’t know when Miss Kezrin would be heading to Stormwind, but she wanted to be ready when she did. Her dull gray armor hardly reflected any light, a stark difference from her courier uniform. The bright white and gold armor lay neatly in a corner of the office she had claimed as her own. She smiled at it, bending carefully down to take the tabard which was folded neatly on the breastplate. She carefully rolled the tabard, placing it into a side pocket, in the event she may need to show it.

She couldn’t let Kezrin know she was worried. The thoughts of what could happen plagued her mind. The worst part was she felt it was entirely her fault. Had she tried harder or taken a different route, none of this would have happed. The client contract would have been completed and all would be well. She ground her teeth at the remarks. She was not incompetent. She would show that mean elf that AAMS will follow through.
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
Koudo begrudgingly followed Kezrin through the streets of Silvermoon. She had hoped this meeting would be postponed or some other more pressing event would take its place, but she couldn’t be so lucky. They dismounted in front of a bar, which of course caused some rather unpleasant remarks to issue from Koudo’s lips. Nevertheless they paused only briefly before entering the darkened establishment.

Finding Mr. Moradinel (Tat Awful Elf) was shockingly easy. He definitely didn’t care if he was seen, although one look would make one wonder why anyone would want to be so public about their ragged appearance. She kept her mouth shut, but Kezrin pointedly remarked about his hellish appearance, and quite loudly if I might add.

This probably didn’t help their cause as the discussion spiraled down into a heap of refuse. Several times Koudo had to stop herself from making inappropriate remarks. Trenetir’s refusal to see any logic in there side of the story and his stubborn demeanor only added her distaste for this man. He was willing to put people that were trying their best to rectify an error into a position that could stress democratic relationships even further between the Alliance and Horde. The hand delivery he was requesting put Kezrin and her both in position that if not handed well could land them in prison.

When it was all said and done, Kezrin and Koudo found themselves outside the bar staring at each other. Without saying much more than a few words, they slowly started heading towards Stormwind.
Edited by Koudo on 9/12/2013 11:00 AM PDT
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
((You know the whole delivery could have been done via the forum. But where is the fun in that? (Disregard the arrow sticking out of Koudo. We are all friends here :) ))

Edited by Koudo on 9/12/2013 1:21 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Shaman
The inn wasn’t one of the finest places in Silvermoon, but it was the one to which she had been directed.

“Is this the place?” Koudo asked doubtfully, echoing Kezrin’s thoughts.

“Yeah… this is the place.”

‘Tat Awful Elf,’ as Gath’jin had dubbed Trenetir and Kezrin gleefully followed suit, had finally reappeared. It was quite frustrating. He had made quite the fuss at the Salon about having Kezrin stop by his offices the very next day to pick up his letter.

She had gone. He was not there.

At first, she thought it was some sort of petty payback for the AAMS having lost his original letter to Auctioneer Chilton. Then he was not there the next day. Finally someone was able to say he was back in the city and gave her directions to the inn.

The room wasn’t well lit, though it was moderately busy. Trenetir sat at one of the side tables, a glass of wine in front of him, and almost unrecognizable. Dark circles lined his eyes, and he was far from his normal impeccable dress.

Kezrin echanged glances with Koudo and stepped up to greet him, keeping in mind her status as AAMS and his status as Tat Awful Elf.

“Ya look horrible.”

He glared at her. Koudo covered her mouth.

“Thank you for stating the obvious.”

“Glad ta help.”

“Have a seat, the pair of you.”

Kezrin helped herself to a chair, while Koudo declined. “So. I went to your office. So ya know. If your people haven’t told ya.”

He gripped his glass tightly. “Yes.”

“But if ya still have that letter to send, well, here I am. Happy?”

Trenetir pulled out a very wrinkled envelope with odd-looking stains on it. “This one’s not about to get thrown away like the last one, is it?”

“Wasn’t thrown away,” she corrected, looking askance at the envelope as she accepted it. While she wasn’t quite certain what the stains were, they certainly reminded her of dried blood on paper. She preferred not to think about how she knew what that looked like.

“Yes, of course, it was stolen, by bandits.” He rolled his eyes.

Beside her, Koudo opened her mouth, then snapped it shut defiantly.

“It’ll be delivered,” Kezrin assured.

“When? And by whom? I cannot afford for this to be blundered again.”

“Soon, and by us,” Kezrin answered quickly, hoping he wouldn’t remember the other detail he had been insisting upon at the Salon.

“Us?” No such luck. “No, that was not the arrangement Miss Kanzelry, or shall I add lying about terms to the situation? You must be the one to deliver it.”

“I’m part of ‘us’, ain’t I?”

“ ‘Us’ also implies others, who are not ‘You’, Miss Kanzelry.”

She could feel the tension from Koudo as the Shield Bearer restrained herself from commenting again.

“Not like I can jus’ stroll inta Stormind on my own!” Kezrin protested. “Last time Bralox tried that with them druids, the Watch wasn't so pleased.”

“That is not my problem, that is yours.” He seemed vaguely pleased by the difficulty. “Had your courier not been incompetent, we would not be in this situation.”

“I was not in-com-pe-tent,” Koudo said under her breath; not quite softly enough.

“My package failed to reach its destination. I beg to differ.”

Koudo scolded him, as though a child. “Well, your package will be delivered now.”

“No, at this rate I might as well of employed a rock to act as my courier.”

“We immediately told you of its fate. And are here now to rectify this,” Koudo defended.

“No, you can never truly rectify it, for the document itself is in who knows who's hands.”

The conversation was growing too heated; Kezrin tried to intervene. “Well, the common brigand ain't gonna care about some business letters and such.”

Kezrin wasn’t sure if the two had heard her at all as they continued their repartee.

Koudo’s face darkened. “And you sit here and ask for an extremely dangerous delivery. Why? What is your satisfaction?”

“I ask for guarantees and satisfaction,” Trenetir replied. “You yourself asked how you can rectify this situation. And I have told you.”

Koudo took a deep breath, looking to Kezrin. Kezrin, in turn, looked at the glass in Trenetir’s hand, vaguely wondering how many had come before it. “If there’s nothin’ else, we should be on our way,” she excused them.

“Yes, of course. I expect to hear from you sooner rather than later.”

Koudo muttered under her breath, “I doubt that.”

“The AAMS will let ya know,” Kezrin quickly said before Trenetir could react.

“Do not keep me waiting, Miss Kanzelry.”
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100 Goblin Shaman
They quickly left the inn; once in the evening air of the city, Kezrin vented her frustration, half-muttering in goblin, “Obnoxious scheming prat, can’t be trusted with a spare copper, smug underhanded two faced elf, probably thinks we won’t do it and he can lord yet something else over us…

“Gah!” Koudo exclaimed. “This is crazy. I have never been so ticked at a client.”

Kezrin took a break from defaming Trenetir’s name to nod an agreement.

“How will he know it wasn’t delivered by you?” Koudo asked, narrowing her eyes.

“If he wants me to go to Stormwind,” Kezrin said with a growing sense of conviction, “fine! Maybe that will shut him up later.” She was not going to let him gloat over not seeing to the safety of his letter personally.

The Shield looked back at the inn. “Oh, I would love to shut him up.”

“Then I’ll send word ahead.”

It was settled.


And so Kezrin and Koudo made arrangements to travel to Stormwind, accompanied by the druid Novaclaw. Unfortunately, the people of Stormwind were very tense, and most people saw the green skin and pointy ears before the AAMS tabards.

In the end they were successful, travelling to the Trade District and delivering the letter,
personally, to Auctioneer Chilton, before getting hustled off by guards for causing too much of a disturbance during a tense time.

((Thank you to Trenetir for giving us a nice little challenge, even if you didn’t think we’d actually go out and do it!

Thank you to Nova for being guard bait and helping us out.

And thank you to everyone in Stormwind last night who did not kill the AAMS couriers running through Trade (especially the poor paladin who couldn’t stealth).


Proof of delivery! ))
Edited by Kezrin on 9/12/2013 3:04 PM PDT
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((Wonderfully done, all of you! An AAMS delivery for the books. Love it.

We'll just ignore those angry-looking guards in the background there. Or assume that they're just giving Kezrin and Koudo a very stern talking to. Yes yes.))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((Guard A has trouble expressing her taboo Koudo urges. Guard B is just flyin' wingman.))
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100 Goblin Shaman
((For those of you who enjoy WoW Insider:



We also had an amusing picture of our "offices" featured a couple of weeks ago!

http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/08/30/around-azeroth-it-was-right-there-five-minutes-ago/ ))
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