Hello all!

Today I'm here to tell you about the Rising Sun Fellowship! The Fellowship is a conglomerate of diverse people, primarily Sin'dorei but starting to collect a host of other races (orcs, Tauren and goblins so far). The Fellowship's main goal is to unite the Horde under one banner built upon the foundations that the Fellowship stands for: Honor, Valor, Loyalty and Love. The Fellowship wants to see a strong Horde but not one designed and pushing towards the destruction of the Alliance/domination of the world, but one that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Alliance if needed and can stand on its own two feet without anyone being able to bully it/force it into action.

If you are interested in the Rising Sun Fellowship we are a RP guild located Horde side on Cenarion Circle, not the most active of factions but we have plenty of good people and guilds with a lot of good guild and event RP. If you like a lot of walk up RP there isn't a whole lot on CC but what we lack there we make up for in events/guild story arcs. The channel you'll want to find myself or one of of the Fellowship in is HordeOOC, to join simply type /join HordeOOC

If you've never done in-game roleplay before I encourage you to try!

The second thing I'd like to talk about is the Fellowship's recent decision to create a flex raiding team. What this means is that we will be hosting, every Saturday at 7 CST, which is 5 Server Time on Cenarion Circle. This does not require you to have a 90 on Cenarion Circle that is in RSF, we will be opening the door to others who wish to come and friends. Simply post your interest here and we can swap battletags here or in game and get you invited to the run.

If you have any questions please post them here! Thank you for reading!

Location of important links:

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9423112810 (OOC Thread on the WET)
http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=458445&TabID=3946160 (Guild Website)