The great Library in Dalaran had many things in it that fascinated Hahnai Dawnsinger. The sheer amount of records kept of the history of the elves was astounding. Row upon row of shelves and cases full of books and tomes. Ancient manuscripts kept under glass and sealed with magic.
Her search was of a personal nature, she was seeking the source of the magic that gave her the ability to see into the future. It was not a constant, nor was it infallible. Little things had occurred over the years that hammered into her that the "gift" was capricious. She often called it the "curse" instead.
She could without very much trouble, ascertain what the weather would be like for a coming week. She did not go about telling anyone this, as it almost seemed as if she were causing the weather to change.
The efforts on the war front she often knew about, but did not like to tell anyone about either. The few attempts she had made to keep people safe often led to greater disasters. She knew that the Horde would be losing a warchief, but who would replace him would shock most to their very core. She opted to stay out of politics, it was much safer.
But the greatest disturbance she had was the voices of the dead. The whispers and cries, the taunts and screams had kept her from getting a good nights rest without resorting to drugs. It had only been recently with the aid of A'Dal the Naaru, that she had been able to quiet the voices with some simple mind tricks.
The one thing that stayed with her for the most part was the lute. It was a beautiful instrument, carved and finished with exquisite detail. The strings were of some enchanted silvery metal that always seemed to be in perfect tune. It had a braided and embroidered strap that held it in place so she could strum it and sing.
The first time she had sung for others it had taken her completely by surprise. A rowdy tavern in the Booty Bay had quieted and listened in rapt attention to her songs. They had even tipped her with handfuls of coppers and silvers, even a gold coin or two. It was there that the first evidence of the magic of the lute presented itself.
She had gone into a trance and sang a song of twisted fate. A woman had ran away to join her lover who was a sailor, but he had drowned at sea and she was lost in the wilderness. It had been days later that the young girl had been found. She had been captured by trolls and actually rescued by the sailors from the ship that had taken her love from her.
Hahnai was still not sure if her song was a way for the young human girl to be rescued or just a coincidence. The fact several of the sailors friends were in the tavern and recognized their friend in the song could not be explained. That they actually went out looking for the poor girl was a good thing. Actually rescuing her was a miracle.
Her search was of a personal nature, she was seeking the source of the magic that gave her the ability to see into the future. It was not a constant, nor was it infallible. Little things had occurred over the years that hammered into her that the "gift" was capricious. She often called it the "curse" instead.
She could without very much trouble, ascertain what the weather would be like for a coming week. She did not go about telling anyone this, as it almost seemed as if she were causing the weather to change.
The efforts on the war front she often knew about, but did not like to tell anyone about either. The few attempts she had made to keep people safe often led to greater disasters. She knew that the Horde would be losing a warchief, but who would replace him would shock most to their very core. She opted to stay out of politics, it was much safer.
But the greatest disturbance she had was the voices of the dead. The whispers and cries, the taunts and screams had kept her from getting a good nights rest without resorting to drugs. It had only been recently with the aid of A'Dal the Naaru, that she had been able to quiet the voices with some simple mind tricks.
The one thing that stayed with her for the most part was the lute. It was a beautiful instrument, carved and finished with exquisite detail. The strings were of some enchanted silvery metal that always seemed to be in perfect tune. It had a braided and embroidered strap that held it in place so she could strum it and sing.
The first time she had sung for others it had taken her completely by surprise. A rowdy tavern in the Booty Bay had quieted and listened in rapt attention to her songs. They had even tipped her with handfuls of coppers and silvers, even a gold coin or two. It was there that the first evidence of the magic of the lute presented itself.
She had gone into a trance and sang a song of twisted fate. A woman had ran away to join her lover who was a sailor, but he had drowned at sea and she was lost in the wilderness. It had been days later that the young girl had been found. She had been captured by trolls and actually rescued by the sailors from the ship that had taken her love from her.
Hahnai was still not sure if her song was a way for the young human girl to be rescued or just a coincidence. The fact several of the sailors friends were in the tavern and recognized their friend in the song could not be explained. That they actually went out looking for the poor girl was a good thing. Actually rescuing her was a miracle.