(AAMS: H&A) 8th Armistice Day Ball, Oct 13th

100 Gnome Priest
The date had totally slipped her mind.

There had been so many distractions lately, if one weren’t offended by calling an outright war, the disappearance of her manager, and the invasion of Orgrimmar a “distraction.” Derscha could surely be forgiven for having let it slip her mind. Or at least for having put off thinking about it until Arrayah was safe again.

Oh, she knew the reactions were going to be mixed. Skeptical. If last year had been dubious, this year, they would surely be considered insane.

Which was precisely why the Armistice Day Ball had to be held.

“Here we are,” Derscha murmured to herself, sitting down on her office carpet with a piece of paper to draft an announcement. “And maybe, with some luck, we’ll have something else to celebrate.”


Flyers begin to appear across various cities (except Orgrimmar).

Announcing the 8th Annual Armistice Day Ball

Here we are!

The Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service is pleased to announce that we intend to hold this year’s Armistice Day Ball, in accordance with our yearly tradition of memorializing the Battle of Mt. Hyjal.

We invite everyone to attend this peaceful event in commemoration of how Horde and Alliance came together for a common goal, and to reflect upon how the lessons of the past apply to today’s endeavors.

It will be a nice of dancing, socializing, and honoring those, past and present, who believed in setting aside their differences for the good of all.

When: Sunday, October 13th, at 7 pm.
Location: Shrine of Fellowship, in the Jade Forest
Transportation will be provided for those who need assistance.

Dress is formal. As always, we ask that you come prepared for a peaceful event and leave your troubles at the door. Or in this instance, staircase.

Cordially Yours,
Derscha Kettlebomb

Edited by Derscha on 9/24/2013 2:56 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest

The Armistice Day Ball has been one of CC’s and the AAMS’ yearly traditions- we’re not intending on letting it drop this year!

The AAMS has a history of holding the Armistice Day Ball in October, which makes for an interesting bit of timing this patch. I’m rather hoping that someone on the server will defeat Garrosh before then… however, guild scheduling and upcoming holidays make it inconvenient to hold it later.

This is an open RP event, for both factions. We are arranging for summons to be available to the Shrine. We ask that you come unflagged for PvP, as a large mixed group can make for awkward misclicks.

Questions can be addressed to Derscha or Kezrin.

I hope to see you there!
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100 Pandaren Monk

Can I make it? Who do I bring? Will it be large or small? And most importantly...

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94 Human Monk
I need to grind for gear but the PROM IS TOMORROW!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Looks like someone needs a fairy god mother *nod*
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
It's gonna be so weird with Ara going without Kal. :-(
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90 Gnome Rogue
Fairy godmother? *looks around for Khromie*
Well, I think I still have that old dress collecting dust in my bank.
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90 Night Elf Druid
If you want to ensure that someone has killed Garrosh before the ball, have the ball sometime after 10/14. Assuming that LFR is releasing in 4 parts over 4 weeks, the last part will be out the reset week of 10/8. I'm not sure if they'll continue to do parts of 4 bosses each, since that would only leave 2 bosses in the last part, so it may conclude even prior to 10/14.

I would wager that Garrosh would be killed in Normal mode prior to being killed in LFR, but this way you're guaranteed his death server-wise.
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100 Gnome Priest
We're a small guild, and at the end if the month we're dealing with various RL obligations, the holiday, and then a lot of us will be out of town the beginning of Nov (myself included) for either family reasons or Blizzcon. So we're risking it, and I'll make sure Derscha has two speeches ready- one to encourage continued efforts, and one to celebrate victory!
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
((*runs off to solo him*))
Edited by Koudo on 9/17/2013 9:52 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
((*runs off to solo him*))

((I'd suggest catching him off-guard in Nagrand. ^.^ ))
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90 Gnome Rogue
((I'd suggest catching him off-guard in Nagrand. ^.^ ))

((Yes, I think I've killed him once or twice there. I think I know what I'm doing sometime soon.))
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90 Night Elf Druid
The info I posted in my last post is incorrect because I'm a noob. Flex wings and LFR wings are releasing in alternating fashion, which means that part 1 Flex will last through this week and part 1 LFR will last through next week. It's possible that the last part of LFR and Flex will contain 6 bosses rather than two wings of 4 and 2, but that would still put a for-certain Garrosh death after my original projected date.

On the bright side, I'm sure that the raiding guilds are trying to get him down ASAP, so it most likely won't become an issue anyway. :D
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90 Pandaren Warrior
What's the hold up, stompy bird? Hard modes, c'mon. Step it up. >:I
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90 Night Elf Druid
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94 Human Monk
Just wanted to say that I found the dress of my life and Arogus is ICly looking for a pair.

He accepts Ladies and Gentlemen as his dancing partner, you just have to be fabulous enough for him.

Are you feeling fabulous, punk?
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100 Human Rogue

Make faster! stomp faster! RAWR!
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33 Orc Warrior
He stared into the lively dancing flames, all red, orange, gold with flickers of blue and white, and he thought, “They’ve already started the party.” He stared for a second more, then shook his head at this silly flight of fancy and snorted. Fire could not party.

His OMC* detail today was the town’s fires: replenishing the braziers and bonfires around town.

He dropped a cover on the brazier across from Magar’s Cloth Goods shop, snuffing out the flames. To make good and sure the flames were out, he stepped over to and leaned back against the canyon wall, taking a couple of minutes to watch a few (nervous) passers-by. There were not many cheerful or friendly folks out these days, not many of any sort, really. So he turned his thoughts to who he had, and had not yet, informed.

Zorena had promised to spread the word quietly around the Valley of Wisdom. He’d also informed a few like-minded orcs he knew in the Valley of Honor. In those two areas, word would get around.

The Valley of Strength was a lost cause; the military was in full control there and made sure that only Garrosh sympathizers walked those streets. And they had made clear their opinion of all things AAMS with the destruction of the office.

The Valley of Spirits? That was a problem. He didn’t want to give up the Valley of Spirits as a lost cause too, but . . . He wasn’t sure he had enough gold to buy goblin advertising AND keep his name out of circulation. And, all the trolls he knew (who knew that he was an orc that could be trusted) had escaped – hopefully, safely - to Razor Hill.

He chewed his lip; there had to be SOME way to get the word out. There were souls – especially here in Orgrimmar - who needed to hear the hope that the Armistice Day Ball inspired. Even if they were not able to attend, knowing the Ball (and all it represented) was happening would still lift people’s spirits.

*Orgrimmar Maintenance Crew
Edited by Dorgot on 9/24/2013 12:22 AM PDT
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33 Orc Warrior
Dorgot nodded his head as he tipped the cover off and behind the brazier, and began shoveling the ash and spent coals into his wheelbarrow. This year, it would not be easy for anyone to get out of Orgrimmar for the occasion. And even if one could, he likely would not get much past the gates.

The docks to the east?
Rumor had it that Alliance ships had been sighted off the coast, and not just a few. “Armada” was whispered.
To the south?
The gates of Orgrimmar scowled down the road at Razor Hill and the rebelling trolls.
The north?
Other rumors said the goblins to the north, and their leader Gallywix, in particular, had been bought to look the other way as the Alliance tried to pinch Orgrimmar from the north as well.
And the west gate?
Well, that was the Valley of Spirits, and that meant trolls, and that meant suspicion and surveillance.
North might be the safest bet (for now) but these were not days to be leaving your wellbeing to chance.

Dorgot leaned over to inspect the now empty brazier. The fire could (and would eventually) crack the metal but this looked to still be in fine order, so he shoved the wheelbarrow aside and pulled his cart up close. He shook his head as he began heaping new coal out of his cart and into the brazier.

Not that he’d be going. He’d told Zorena that, when she had asked; he did not have anything appropriate to wear. He’d never been one for fancy dress; his trousers and shirts had always been adequate for his simple life. But this was a formal occasion; everyone would be showing up in their finest – birds of paradise flaunting their colors, their plumage.

And if “she” was there . . . well, he’d surely disappoint were he only attired in his usual.

“Had she got the letter?”
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33 Orc Warrior
His stomach interrupted that thought, growling the lunch hour.

Food shortages - pardon, rationing – made sure that all but the troops were constantly hungry. The Crew had lost two members who had enlisted to fill their bellies. Dorgot couldn’t blame them; in fact, he was thankful he didn’t have a family to feed. Careful to keep out of easy sight, he sat on the ground behind his cart and pulled out his earthroot/silverleaf sandwich. It wasn’t much but it would tide him over until his just as meager dinner.

Closing his eyes, Dorgot munched on his sandwich while imagining the banquet tables at the Ball: filled with hot and cold foods, spicy and creamy, meaty and fresh.

And the fine beverages (he licked his lips): bubbling ciders, elfen wines of every color, dwarven and pandaren beers.

And the dancing - his mind wandered to the dancing. Who would “she” be dancing with this year? He briefly considered what it would be like were “she” to dance with him.

He sighed with regret (his sandwich quickly finished & his dream terminated) and climbed back to his feet. He relit the brazier. As he pushed the wheelbarrow to the next brazier down the road, a shirt on display in the shop across the way caught his eye and got him thinking – in a more positive way.
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