(AAMS: H&A) 8th Armistice Day Ball, Oct 13th

100 Goblin Shaman
The bossgnome had gone south to work on the details of the ball, leaving Kezrin in charge of the offices in Booty Bay. As much as she disliked the office, she was glad she wasn't in charge of setting up the ball.

Hiring caterers. Musicians. Flower arrangements. No, she had absolutely no interest in doing any of that. Just thinking about it brought back too many memories of dreadful hours listening to her mother obsess over the perfect arrangements.

The only thing of concern on Kezrin's mind was how to get out of attending the thing all together. She'd been lucky last year when she'd snagged an excuse from Da Docs, but it was probably going to take more than a simple head cold to avoid even making a token appearance. At least she could wear her uniform, so she didn't have to go dress shopping.

Had to be grateful for some things, she supposed.
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48 Undead Hunter
Mustav mutters to himself as he walks around the War Quarter, watching the soldiers mindlessly bashing away at the dummies. He sighed as he glanced at his now lifelong companion, Narya "My little spider, these buffoons waste their time on honing warriors, when we should be honing ambassadors!" He shook his head, then a flyer slaps to his dead face. "Wha- WHO DARES TO THROW FLYER AT MUSTAV DARON ANCREST!" as he grabs the flyer off his face, angrily looking around at the empty hall, frowning to himself as he checks the flyer. "Well, Narya, looks like we will be making a trip to Pandaria!" Mustav cackles to himself as he walks away from War Quarter to his chambers.
Edited by Mustav on 10/3/2013 7:53 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Derscha looked over the draft of her speech. Even for as long as she'd been CEO, the thought of speaking before a large crowd was still nerve wrecking. Especially this year, with everything that had had happened.

She was definitely going to miss having Arrayah to back her up; she'd always been content to let Derscha be the public face, but Arrayah had been the person doing most of the work. She didn't begrudge Arrayah's retirement, but it was much more difficult handling everything on her own. She suspected that she'd be spending the next few days doing nothing but being mired in the final details of the setting up the ball.

She found a small error, and scratched the word out. Her stomach growled as she wrote the correction. Time for a break! She wondered if anyone had any cake...

((bumpity bump bump. I'm going to be scarce for the next few days, but still have every intention of being here Sunday, of course!))
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The Royal Library will be presenting the papers of the Armistice Day Ball's original founder, Grummak "Greatheart," at the Crossroads two hours before the ball:

Arms and Armistice: The Realpolitik Origins of a Beloved Holiday

In honor of the 8th annual Armistice Day Ball, the Royal Library presents a short symposium on the celebration's origins. Writer-in-Residence Arjah will present excerpts from the writing of Grummak "Greatheart," the troubled figure behind our contemporary understanding of the holiday.

Included will be a partial reading and display of heretofore unpublished letters from the Greatheart, including secret letters to the Alliance Defense League that later tried him for murder.

Arms and Armistice: Presenting the Letters of Grummak "Greatheart"
5 PM, Sunday, October 13
Crossroads, The Barrens (at the foot of the watchtower)

No dress code. Event will end at 6:15 PM at the latest, to allow guests time to change and make their way to the Armistice Day Ball. For more information, contact Writer-in-Residence Arjah at the Royal Library.

((Information copied from the Royal Library thread. All are welcome! Alliance folks can swing by on a Horde alt if they'd like to hear a little history unique to Cenarion Circle...or if they were part of it, and want to catch Arjah's mistakes! She is hardly an unbiased historian...))
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
In case there is need I would like to volunteer to bring people out of the closet so to speak...you all know what I mean!! I plan on bringing as many as I can from my guild and Rising Sun Fellowship.
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100 Gnome Priest
Thanks for the offer!

I have an AAMSer on Hordeside who's bringing her warlock alt to help with summons, but I'll gladly take any help offered so she can spend more time on her actual AAMS courier.

I'm looking forward to see how many people come out, even with the war going on that means some people can't come for IC reasons. We had a nice crowd last year; far more than I had expected. I don't think I'll have enough cake....
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
We will have enough cake! And yes, if we can take some of the strain of Isela for summons that would be awesome, being as she's not much for parties...unless there is a lot of pain involved.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((So, I just had a thought. You know, hours before the event and all.

Is phasing going to be an issue, since the Ball is in the Jade Forest?))
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100 Gnome Priest
Welcome everyone to the Armistice Day Ball. I wish I could be greeting you in happier times, but I take heart in how many of you I see here tonight.

It wasn't that long ago that both Alliance and Horde set foot for the first time upon a distant shore far from home. They befriended the natives of this land, making newallies. At first, it seemed as if Alliance and Horde were doomed to continue to be enemies, but then a greater threat emerged. Brave individuals put aside their differences and decided to work together to protect Azeroth from destruction.

I am, of course, talking about Kalimdor and the fight against the incursion of the Burning Legion. We've gathered every year to commemorate how once, not so many years ago, we learned it was possible to work together.

Why do we do this every year? Because unless we remember and apply the lessons learned in the past, we're doomed to repeat our mistakes.

If you'll indulge me a moment, I'd like to share a little story with you. There once was a young gnomish girl- we'll leave names out of this for the moment- who wanted to bake a cake and didn't know how. It was something she'd never tried before. So she experimented in her parents' kitchen, but nothing she did came out quite cake-like, and the kitchen turned into a huge mess.

'Our kitchen!' her father cried. 'Why are you blowing things up here, instead of looking at your grandmother's recipe book?"

So the gnome went to the bookshelf and found her grandmother's old recipe book. She looked up how to make a cake and read the instructions.

'Oh, no, this doesn't apply to me,' the gnome thought. 'This recipe is very precise. We don't use these specific types of pans any more, and our ovens are different and bake faster. Not to mention we have new machines that mix things, so those instructions are useless. I can't use this.'

As she was putting the book back on the shelf, her father came in and asked why she was returning it.

'I can't use that recipe,' the girl replied. 'Too many things have changed since that book was written, and all the details don't apply to my situation.'

'Use your common sense, daughter. Of course you can't follow the steps exactly, but you're still making a cake! You grandmother wrote that book so you won't make as many mistakes as she did. Use it as a guideline rather than blindly experimenting. Maybe you'll stop making such a big mess!'

So the gnome consulted the recipe book and tried again. She had to take into account modern cooking gizmos, but at last she baked a cake. It wasn't the best cake, but it only took a few more tries before she was making perfect ones. She would have never learned so quickly if she had not used the recipe book.

Now what is the point of this story? Too often we look at the lessons of the past and focus too much on the details and the differences rather than the overall lesson. We think, 'This doesn't apply to me because this has changed' or 'because this detail is no longer true.'

Or maybe, 'Because that time the threat came from the Burning Legion, they had no choice' or 'Because this time, we're dealing with someone I personally hate.'

History is best remembered as guideline. We are never going to have the exact same set of circumstances happen twice, but we can still look at the battle of Mt. Hyjal, the history of the orcs and humans, or that of the Pandaren and Mogu, and see how the general principles learned can be used to guide us in our decisions today. And maybe next time we'll avoid destroying the kitchen in the process.

Now, I feel as if I've been talking for a quite a while, so I bid each of you to spend the rest of the evening socializing and having fun, and of course, enjoying the cake!
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100 Gnome Priest
Thank you to everyone who came out!

The AAMS is incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful server community to come out every year for the ball.

A quick screenie for those who want to see how many people turned out :D I lost count of how many people are there!


edit: fixed link
Edited by Derscha on 10/14/2013 1:45 PM PDT
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Link doesn't work for me, but a lovely time at the Ball! Looked like one of the bigger ones in the last few years. Very exciting!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Here's to seeing more balls in the future!
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
I'ts always great to see the community come together for events like this.
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100 Gnome Priest
Link doesn't work for me, but a lovely time at the Ball! Looked like one of the bigger ones in the last few years. Very exciting!

Ooops; dropped a letter off the end. That's what I get for posting things half asleep!

Correct link:

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90 Blood Elf Warlock
It was amazing to say the least, I was stunned at the amount of people there. Including many from Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord. It is great to see the use of CRZ in this manner.

One thing I did notice however is the fact the chat screen was scrolling so fast it was impossible to keep up with any conversations! I also noted many of the same people were grouped together as they always are. Sorry for bailing early I had some things I needed to do.

I do hope this spurs more rp and more players to note that rp is not dead! We are very much alive and well and having a blast doing what we love.
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