I'm currious how many players are on this realm. Does anyone know a way to find out. I have a census taker, but that only tells me my horde side, and I'd like to know the number for each side. thanks
You just need to look down to the realm, the number it shows is the number of unique players that have cleared something in ToT normal.
Not the best but it does give you a good comparison.
You just need to look down to the realm, the number it shows is the number of unique players that have cleared something in ToT normal.
Not the best but it does give you a good comparison.
Me too,I left Horde A few yrs back,cause of that issue,Alot of people are in guilds but no one is in trade much.
Ive noticed a spike in sales from alot of returning plyers so lets hope that Blizz will keep em here:D
Ive noticed a spike in sales from alot of returning plyers so lets hope that Blizz will keep em here:D
It depends on how you view the information given by Census websites. These are based on actual number of characters including alts, not based on accounts. realmpop, list just north of 55k, which includes all of the alts. So take the census stuff with a grain of salt since unless we have multiple accounts it is kind of hard to play more than one toon at a time. This of course leads us to the situation that Nyksis mentioned above.
It also depends on the actually accuracy of census sites, which are probably ridiculously outdated. It is a more low pop server, though with the intermingling of realms etc., you may see more folks around and some of us wish we could be on more than we are.
Real life should always be at the forefront, people's familes work and school are more important than a game. But it's great tom come interact with new and old friends to unwind. SoE was not where I 1st began playing, I started on Nazgrel. That server though larger was a general one so to me it was boring. As an artist and a writer I prefer the interaction of RP and love SoE.
Real life should always be at the forefront, people's familes work and school are more important than a game. But it's great tom come interact with new and old friends to unwind. SoE was not where I 1st began playing, I started on Nazgrel. That server though larger was a general one so to me it was boring. As an artist and a writer I prefer the interaction of RP and love SoE.
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