Heya CC!

90 Blood Elf Rogue
Thoughts on the new forums? I don't like em. >.>
Edited by Oristanne on 11/18/2010 5:37 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I actually don't really like them either... buttttt, I think it's just cause I need time to get used to them. I do like the avatars though.
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100 Worgen Druid
Dammit...i left my helmit on show!
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Wasn't a big forum poster... seems strange that it doesn't tell u what server ur from. Also not certain if I like my RL name displayed.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I dislike the colouration, as I feel they're needlessly harsh. However, I do otherwise like these forums.
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I think I just need to adjust, but I do love the avatars.
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opps.... i guess when you login to the forums it shows your RL name, but nothing when you post. =)

but ya i like the forums overall.
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90 Troll Hunter
Love the new forums, but would love to see more of a server specific guild recruitment system.
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85 Tauren Hunter
It's not bad.
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85 Human Warlock
a) so many names i've never seen on CC ahhhhh
b) i actually kinda like the change on the eyes, though some of the features are a bit over the top lol
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I like them a lot. I wish we could save different Avatar outfits to choose from, instead of only being able to display the last thing I was wearing.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Just one more reason for me to be sure to log out in this outfit!
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Just one more reason for me to be sure to log out in this outfit!

The cool thing is is that the avatars are dynamic, they'll auto switch on existing posts to your latest little picture.
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100 Orc Shaman
They seem alright so far.

My biggest issues are not being able to see characters' realm names without having to navigate away from the page and a slightly less readable color scheme.

I'm really hoping that they'll add some way to save a "forum gear set" so I won't have to log out in RP gear if I want it to show up.

Edit: Okay, so you don't have to navigate away, but it still seems like it'd be just as easy to stick the realm name outside of the dropdown.

Also, http://userstyles.org/styles/39558 for people who don't like the text/background color scheme.
Edited by Oskor on 11/19/2010 12:26 PM PST
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85 Orc Warrior
I'm liking it overall, I think the only thing throwing me off is the thread being in the center of my screen.
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