Heya CC!

85 Night Elf Priest
It'll take a little getting used to, but it's worth it just for the avatars.

Edit: And first page 2!
Edited by Talumas on 11/19/2010 1:32 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Priest

They're looking into letting us lock our portraits. It may take a while though -- bigger fish and all.
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88 Night Elf Druid
I really like the new avatars and It'll take a while to get used to the new forums...
Im just really wondering why we all have hearts or other card symbols by our names :3
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100 Night Elf Priest
Well, the triangle pointing down is a clicky menu. The heart is, I think, supposed to be a small shield. It should indicate your achievement score as the in-game button uses the same symbol.
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I like them so far. Kind of miss the sigs though, but can do without them. Actually character avatars are nice though.
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90 Tauren Warrior
@Oskor: If you mouseover the character portrait, your browser should tell you where the link will take you. That link has the server in it.
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I like them... cept no Sigs D:
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80 Undead Warrior
Dem avatars!
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100 Orc Shaman
Dem avatars!

Dey purrrrty.
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30 Blood Elf Mage
Dem avatars!

Dey purrrrty.

All the more reason to log out in RP gear!
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100 Orc Shaman
I do, when I remember!
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I like them. And the super pretty avatars make me happy. Finally get to see what characters really look like, beside running into them in game.
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100 Human Rogue
Just one more reason for me to be sure to log out in this outfit!
I'm still torn between my fishing outfit, my Wildheart set, or my Sailor Jedi outfit(Cover of the Keepers + Teebu's + Spellfire Longsword).
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100 Night Elf Priest
You can always change it up. I do. <Grin>
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There's a lot of clutter and junk that makes my simplistic tendencies spazz out all over the place. The old ones had a lot of graphic clutter going on as well, but somehow this one just feels like a bit much. I'll deal, though.

I had to get used to it, because our avatars and posts are forced into the middle of the screen with nothing but three inches of negative space to either side. Unless you're at the top of the thread where the artwork is, and the artwork stands out more than before with the colors and extra room.

After adjusting to the above, I can only say they're very brown and my avatar doesn't update. I imagine there's something that can be done about the avatar.
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100 Night Elf Priest
...and my avatar doesn't update. I imagine there's something that can be done about the avatar.

Give it time, it usually takes mine 20 minutes or so after Armory acknowledges my new gear before the forum avatar changes.

EDIT: oh. That's how it used to be. Yeah, my avatar hasn't actually updated in days, I think. Glitchy. It'll work out in the end.
Edited by Troldann on 11/27/2010 7:25 PM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
It feels more updated; the part of me that was used to where to find all the buttons, etc. on the old forums is a bit sad, but I'm adjusting to this easily enough; I tend to type out my UBB code rather than use buttons to format, and I'm pleased that I can still do so here.

I don't like that there isn't a search function, or if there is, it's so obfuscated that I just can't find it.

I get the impression people aren't using the Like/Dislike feature; its intended purpose is to keep the worst of the pointless/troll threads from staying on the first page, but in a mirror of General, no one actually does anything to promote something they like, they only complain about what they don't like: no one's using the "Like" button, just "Dislike" when they bother one way or the other. Since they removed the initiative to link Real ID with forum posts, I don't functionally see anything to alter negative behavior on the forums. Just peek at the General forum: it's as much a cesspool as ever.

In general, I like the new forums; something different, slightly more updated software. I'd like a search function, and as others have mentioned, an indication of realm would be nice.
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100 Night Elf Priest
The search box is an integrated search tool which searches all available resources, sorting them into tabs; if you would like to search for posts by a specific poster, I think it's name@server.
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