[A] Quiet Places, a hideout for loners

I've got an Alliance guild, I use it to hold my alliance alts. I keep it nice and quiet. I created it so that loners like myself could have a place to call "home" after the Cataclysm without being spammed with GJoin requests, and to have access to guild rewards and the like. There are only two people in it right now, me, and my other me, but I'm opening it up to whoever else needs a landing pad, especially hordefolks who are touring the "other side of the fence". I'll be on intermittently as "Lildante" or "Baliah" and can check mails on them, and you can contact me hordeside on Plainswander, Jones, or Zalmar.

The "RP Angle" is that my gnomes decided even the loners of the world needed a home. A Quiet Place where they could be themselves, where people wouldn't other tham, and that was separated from the insanity and strife around them. Somewhere to not worry about constant war, or foolish politics. But at the same time, a useful name to use when hiring out, or dealing with others.

We're neutral, we're for hire, and we're more concerned with our own consciences than we are with standard ideas of "good and evil".

The rules are simple:

    1) All GChat is IC. This is easy to deal with, as GChat is rarely ever used. I'm not very talkative, I don't expect anyone who joined would be either. In fact, if you blather on incessantly, it'll be frowned on most sternly...well, as sternly as a gnome CAN frown that is.

    2) You can offer to help, but you can't ask for help. The whole point is not to be bothered, and do what we want to do. This isn't a "help you level and OMG we're all lovey huggy" family deal. It's a roof over your head, and a few resources, the rest is up to you.

    3) Everyone gets a reasonable amount of Bank Access.

    4) Authenticators are REQUIRED. Seriously.

    5) Parked alts welcome, not logging on an alt for more than 3 months will get you booted though, we do have some standards.

    6) Don't be a jerk, IC or OOC. It won't be tolerated.

I think that's it, if interested, feel free to msg me on any of my above listed alts. And All Hail The Beeg Leeeezard! Deathwing is bringing us ponies!
Edited by Plainswander on 11/19/2010 1:53 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Priest
Next, your guild is going to form a raid, and people will flock to it thinking that membership will increase their likelihood of joining said raid.

Eventually a guild officer gets upset and begins removing individuals forcefully without input, in the middle of the night. People are disgusted, and begin leaving in droves.

For the next few years, the guild limps, heard of only in whispers about dark corridors and moonless nights. The occasional veteran will come out of the darkness to speak of her grand days, before surrendering to drink.
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Subtle, but no.

There will be no raids formed.
There will be nothing of that sort, I do learn from my mistakes.
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100 Night Elf Priest
/tickles the wanderer. Best wishes. :)
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85 Blood Elf Priest
You can post. Wootness!

I still have screen shots of when we went to Black fathom Depths with Baliah. She was dancing on a pot of water in her sniftly glasses. It was fun.
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11/19/2010 1:51 PMPosted by Plainswander
being spammed with GJoin requests

Tell me about it! I got tagged 7 times last night from 7 different people. I'm just questing along and POOF, a join guild box pops up and a whisper telling me about all their great plans for the guild and that I should join....

I starting telling them the same thing. That I was a full time role player and their guild wasn't a role playing guild; so I would rather be guild-less for the time being!

Besides, I am working on either forming my own RP guild or working with a few other RPers to rebuild some of the less active ones (AAMS Alliance Branch, I am looking at you!)
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