SoE Guild Directory

85 Gnome Mage
Please note: I am no longer maintaining this directory. I have made a post in the forums about someone else picking this up, but I can't do anything about people not caring about it.

Welcome to the Sisters of Elune roleplaying server.

Below is a list of our active guilds. Guild leaders/officers are encouraged to make an updated post for their guild using the following template. Please stick to the format as space is at a premium for this directory:

Guild Name:
Guild Type:
(PvE, PvP, Raiding, Roleplaying, RP-PvP, Social. You can also indicate Casual, Light, Medium, Heavy.)
Web site:
(Yes or No)
Information: (Please limit to three to four sentences.)

Additional information: (This will not be included in the directory listing, but may be any extra information potential recruits need to know, such as recruitment needs.)


This directory replaces the two previous guild listing/roleplaying guild listing threads as they were redundant and not maintained.

This directory does not keep track of guild raid progression. There is a separate thread for that.
Edited by Nozz on 1/7/2011 9:05 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage

Guild Name: Bads
Guild Type: Progression (25 content into Cata)
Contacts: Terrible- GM. Imbued- Admin. Sherwin, Dasham, Cherrykiss- Officers.
Web site:
Recruiting: See website.
Information: Formed earlier this year as a 10M guild and surviving the growing pains any guild goes through in its conception, Bads has grown to a 25M progression guild over the past few months and plans to continue into Cata with a focus on 25 and heroic mode/boss content. We are not for the weak of heart, but for those of us who can handle the content and the stresses, the guild is a family :D Please keep an eye on the website above for current changes/updates to our recruitment and schedules. Thank you!

Guild Name: Broken Butterfly
Guild Type: Casual PvE, light PvP, Social, Raiding (in the future)
Contacts: Drakage, Razara, Casitha
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: It's just a few of us starting out, but the guild has been in the works for over a year. We are very organized and we are always looking for mature players to enjoy the game with us. We promote a fun atmosphere and we hope you'll join us.

Guild Name:CataclysmicEruption
Guild Type: VERY casual raiding guild
Contacts: SATT(Vodius, Itzame) or Milkymilk
Web site:none yet, but i hope to have one soon
Recruiting: Yes (We REALLY need DPS)
Information: We are a newly created guild. The original reason for creation was to get a full guild run of ICC10 before Cataclysm came. Unfortunately, without some help from a few geared DPSers, that isn't going to happen. We need you!

Guild Name: Claws on Our Paws
Guild Type: Medium to Heavy PvE, Casual to Light PvP, Casual Roleplaying, Social. Raiding to come (old and new content)
Contacts: { Eiggas, Zodeim, Jeanclawed, Eggsie } Address me as Eggs.
Web site: None at this time
Recruiting: Yes, in game mails or whispers accepted
Information: All races, all classes, and all levels. We're a fun loving friends-and-family guild that just want to play the game with as little drama and stress as we can get it. We're small, but slowly expanding. Love to help everyone out as a whole, be it with info or character-to-character assistance.

Guild Name: Clockwerk
Guild Type: Casual Roleplaying
Contacts: Nozz, Daphne
Web site:
Recruiting: Limited.
Information: Clockwerk is a casual roleplaying guild open to mature players of all levels and experience. Please visit our site for more info. Application and interview required.

Guild Name: Crown of Aeriel
Guild Type: Heavy RP/Casual Leveling
Contacts: Gryfon
Web site:[
Recruiting: Yes
Information: The Crown is a roleplaying guild playing the political head of a themed alliance Rping as a Kingdom. Our members play as royal guardsmen who defend the Crown and all citizens of the larger realm.

Guild Name: Death and Rebirth
Guild Type: Social | Raiding
Contacts: Dwok | Latooni
Web site:
Recruiting: Only past members and their comrades as of this moment
Information: We have a social channel set up in game for past members to chat without the obligation of joining the guild on an alt - /join dnrlegacy. Feel free to join us there.

Guild Name: Foundation
Guild Type: Casual
Contacts: Sioban, Jaack
Web site: (currently under construction)
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a Family Oriented Casual Raiding Guild.. For more info about recruitment contact Grynch

Guild Name: Hells Vanguard
Guild Type: Raiding
Contacts: Thisius (Guild Leader) or any Hells Vanguard member
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Hells Vanguard is a fun group of people looking to clear content on a casual work/family-friendly schedule. If you regularly pug raids but want something more reliable, or if you have the gear but don't have the experience Hells Vanguard is perfect for you. Currently running two ICC10 lockouts, want to get into 25s as soon as we have the members to do it.
Edited by Nozz on 1/4/2011 8:14 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
Guild Name: House Thornbush
Guild Type: RP, medium-heavy
Contacts: Avmella
Web site: (not really finished yet. <_< )
Recruiting: Yes
Information: House Thornbush is a small, new RP guild for the promotion of, particularly (but certainly not exclusively), non-event-based RP. Contact in-game is preferred to only by the website. In-character interview / RP trial is required to join.

Guild Name: Insomnia
Guild Type: Open To All - Raid
Contacts: Pinkerbel
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Focused on honor and integrity.

Guild Name: Porti La Morte
Guild Type: Role Play, PvP
Contacts:Lizzil, Pashon, Phearwen
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Porti is an Rp/PvP Guild. Originally a private guild is opening its doors with a new identity. Players 15+ only please. In-Character interview required for admittance. Website application preferred but not mandatory.

Guild Name: Slaughtered Lamb Social
Guild Type: Casual/Medium RP
Contacts: Lillitha
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We run an RP event every Wednesday at 8 PM server time in the Slaughtered Lamb, in SW. There's also random RP in Alliance territories.

Guild Name: Steel and Harsh Language
Guild Type: Raiding, PVE
Contacts: Nurgal, Sikthus, Noralsia, Icar, Jence
Web site: in progress
Recruiting: Not at this time
Information: Our guild is a weekend raiding guild focused on progression. Raid times are: Friday 7:00 to 9:00-ish ST; Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 ST; Sunday 12:00 to 4:00 ST. Note: Friday raid nights are postponed until further notice.

Guild Name: Stoneshield Brewery, LLC
Guild Type: RP, Casual, Reroll Friendly
Contacts: Valhelm
Web site: Not anymore
Recruiting: Absolutely!
Information: We're reforming the <SSB, LLC> now that Cata is coming back out! Some come back to the best guild that ever fizzled out due to Guild Leader burnout!

Guild Name: The Lucid End
Guild Type: Casual Raiding/Social
Contacts: Darkaria, Pura, Fraile, Nornova
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Lucid End is a laid-back guild that likes to do a little bit of everything. We welcome all levels and types of player, but expect to be bombarded by paper zeppelins upon joining. Also, naked runs through Orgrimmar might be enforced.

Guild Name: The Praetorian Guard
Guild Type: Raiding / Social
Contacts: Crtos , Seidhr , Jiovanna , Isaan
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a raiding guild that plans to progress as fast as possible while still keeping a sane raiding schedule. We welcome all.. from new players to old.

Guild Name: The Refuge
Guild Type: Medium-Heavy RP
Contacts: Calindah, Moirah, Ithideth
Web site: In process of making
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are the sister guild to the The Broken House horde side, this does not mean you must play horde to be a member. We are looking for other RPers who may be looking for a refuge to stay in.

Guild Name: The Sword and Shield
Guild Type: Medium to heavy RP.
Contacts: Aralie/Rosalynde, Leshou/Allard
Web Site:
Recruiting: Yes.
Information: The Sword and Shield is an in-character organization formed with one intention: to band together and protect our homes and loved ones as best we can from the coming onslaught, to defend what's ours. We are looking for friendly, mature players who like to relax, RP, and who enjoy various aspects of the game. We are currently a small group, but are looking to make new friends to roleplay and explore this strange new world with.

Guild Name: The Veer Union
Guild Type: Social, leveling,Guild runs, raiding, mild RP
Contacts: GM-Rainalei Officers-Shoosuntyd, Faldorn, Deathdriven, Jasca
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes (any class,race lavel)
Information: were here to have fun...plenty of friendly people

Guild Name: Twisted
Guild Type: Social-Casual Raiding
Contacts: Wislawa (GM), Gralyn (Officer)
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes. Currently all classes, all levels
Information: Building a raiding guild from the bottom up. Inexperienced & well-seasoned veterans are encouraged to apply at our website or make contact with us in-game.
Edited by Nozz on 1/4/2011 8:16 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
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85 Gnome Mage
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85 Gnome Mage

Guild Name: Affinity
Guild Type: PvE, PvP, Raiding
Contacts: Quakthorn or Dreyden
Web site: It's best if you contact ingame >.>
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a 10man raiding guild moving to Cata. We are seeking a few new members to begin a 2nd 10man core since our 1st one has down LK and nearly full.

Guild Name: Apples
Guild Type: Raiding
Contacts: Ellach, Androxius, Vahnya, Christel.
Web site:
Recruiting: Closed.
Information: 25man Raiding guild. See

Guild Name: Avoid This
Guild Type: PvE, light PvP, Raiding, Social.
Contacts: Whimsical, Floot (guild leaders); Dktrash, Shadoriven, Belsagore, Jayasara, Rinelen (officers)
Web site: We have a website, but is currently out of date. Will post a link once this is cleared up.
Recruiting: Recruiting is done on a case by case basis.
Information: Avoid This is a friendly, knowledgeable and all-around active guild. We stick up for our own and help out those who need it. We are a drama-free guild, meaning that purposefully creating friction among members is out of the question.

Guild Name: Blood Moon
Guild Type: Leveling, Raid
Contacts: Fairyduster/Nymphity, Argilious, Firianna, Licus, Borglaw
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Blood Moon is currently recruiting all levels and all players in game who want to have fun. We have a little bit of everything so everyone fits in.

Guild Name: Circle of Nine
Guild Type: PVE, Roleplaying, Social, Casual Raiding, PVP
Contacts: Please contact any member to get a direct line to our officers or guild leader Quintell
Web site:
Recruiting: Absolutely
Information: We are a casual guild looking for whomever wants to join our family. We do light raiding on the weekends, heroics almost nightly and enjoy chatting and some roleplaying. We have a variety of everything so nothing specific is needed at this time.

Guild Name: Clan Spiritslammer
Guild Type: Raiding, PE
Contacts: Angmas, Nikissus, Sadarea, Zumiju
Web site:
Recruiting: We are currently recruiting mature players of all levels and specs. We are in need of healers for raiding. However, we have a special request from one of our Pally's for a mage.... to satisfy his mana strudel addiction.
Information: We currently raid three to four nights a week. Friday and Monday regularly every week, Saturday and Sundays from time to time. We are currently on ICC and ToC 10 man content, hoping to progress to 25 man.

Guild Name: Crimson Moon
Guild Type: All of the above RP, PvP, Raiding, etc light.
Contacts: Guild Master is Alefich, Officers are Adonus, Alejr, Blacksheep (He's got a funny A), Dennish, Faeti, Fenderstrat, LittleJoey, Linnisa, Pannie, Veld,
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Established in 2007, Crimson Moon has been around for a number of years in challenging players to experience all the game has to offer. Members don't have to raid, role-play, participate in player verses player combat, etc but they can find people in the guild to do those things with if they are inclined to. Members can also enjoy leveling characters from 1-80, achievements, guild events, or Barbecues.

Guild Name: Cry of Luna
Guild Type: Raiding, Casual Roleplaying
Contacts: Faeylin (aka Ceteria, Viscara, Vethica) or Leyota (aka Calypsa, Rowanoke)
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Cry of Luna is a late night, 10-man raiding guild. We run raids on most nights, always 10:30-2AM. We are always looking for skilled and reliable players with a good attitude; your class/role is secondary to your enthusiasm for raiding each night.

Guild Name: Defenders of Mulgore
Guild type: Medium-heavy RP
Contacts: Proelium, Ranul, Krakhorn
Web Site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: RP guild associated with several other RP guilds. Based on love of Mulgore but not specific to Taurens.


Edited by Nozz on 12/27/2010 3:14 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
Guild Name: Ghostfang Brotherhood
Guild Type: Casual PvE, PvP, Raiding, Roleplaying, Social.
Contacts: Gelmarrk (GM)\Fatel , Grimgor, Killen, Monigan, Odhinn
Web site:
Recruiting: limited
Information: Transfers from AD and been here since server launch. Family type guild made up of mature players. We raid, we pvp and enjoy helping the Horde players no matter who they are. We are serious about it but also just like to enjoy the game experience with each other. Looking for drama? Move along and keep looking.

Guild Name: Is Raiding Your Fridge
Guild Type: Leveling, Raid, Light RP
Contacts: Ex, Caitria, Haku
Web site: None yet
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Brand new guild looking for people that want to level do some runs and have fun. We are a family oriented guild looking for like minded people. We will be also helping people get geared for the bigger runs like ICC 10 or 25.

Guild Name: Legacy of the Dire Panda
Guild Type: Raiding (10 Man Strict)
Contacts: GM - Grazingsun. Officers - Adalicia, Lectril, and Tristrame.
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes, specifically a Blood or Unholy Death Knight though exceptional players will always be considered regardless of class or spec.
Information: We raid on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 8:00 P.M. Server Time to 11:00 P.M. Server Time. We are a friendly and close knit group of friends with a focus on both progression and fun. If you have any questions or would like to express an interest please contact any one of us in-game or via our website.

Guild Name: Likes Shiny Things
Guild Type: Social/ Raiding (heavy) RP, PvP (light)
Contacts: Tarnil, Nerili, Dharin, Ralag
Web site:
Recruiting: Always. Just hit us up when you see our ad in trade/general for more info. :)
Information: Late evening raid times both during the week and on weekends (11:30 pm start time server time). Chillaxed and friendly atmosphere. Some fishing skill is essential to apply.

Guild Name: No Loot for the Dead
Guild Type: Raid
Contacts: Honest
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: To app please visit our website or contact Honest in game.

Guild Name: Oath of Darkness
Guild Type: Social, with casual 10 man raids.
Contacts: Kelithieni
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Social guild looking for mature casual playing members. We currently accept any level or class. Our guild website has an application you can submit or you may contact Kelithieni in game. We are currently also recruiting a select few for 10 man raids, including hardmode content.

Guild Name: Reviction
Guild Type: PvE, Raiding
Contacts: Markimus, Shambulance, Ct, Theorii, Sullyak, Sandrara
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: See our website for recruitment details.

Guild Name: Revolution Deathguard
Guild Type: PvE and Social
Contacts: Korrinne, Chaosfactor, Gordoc, Deatharm
Web site: Website was lost
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a group of people who have been on the server for an extremely long time, and are now gathering new players to raid and socialize with us once more.

Guild Name: Riddle of Steel
Guild Type: PvE and Social
Contacts: Daynk (GM), Atepa and Wraine (officers)
Web site:
Recruiting: Selectively recruiting for Cataclysm
Information: RoS has been around for a long time. We focus on end-game content while having fun! Socials are also encouraged to apply.

Guild Name: Shadows End
Guild Type: PvE, Achievement based guild leveling
Contacts: Nikumu/Nastanda
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Guild focusing on guild leveling and achievements. 5 man dungeons and 10 mans when we have enough interested players.

Guild Name: Shiny
Guild Type: PvE, casual but regular raiding, social
Contacts: Ailaenea, Soulafein, Gaelynne
Web site: forthcoming
Recruiting: We don't actively recruit, but grab people we like who are homeless.
Information: Started as a guild for just IRL friends, looking to potentially expand. Progression has been slow, so if you're behind, we're a good place to start. Really laid back, family friendly, "newb" friendly. Weekly Friday or Saturday raids.

Edited by Nozz on 1/4/2011 8:17 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
Guild Name: The Broken House
Guild Type: A family-style, highly-literary RP guild
Contacts: Eleya, Kathas/Cyrik
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: The Broken House is set in a manor in Eversong and led by a group of trusted members called Keepers. The guild is intended as a refuge for any member of the Horde seeking such, and is therefore open to all races/classes. We prefer mature players and no OOC drama, please.

Guild Name: The Hellfire Klub
Guild Type: Social/Leveling/PvP/Raiding
Contacts: Amen (Guild Leader), Beltaine, Yeshbin or Nimrood
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: The Hellfire Klub originated on The Scryers server back in 2008 and took a brief hiatus from the game trying out different realms before settling down at Sisters of Elune. Some of us have been raiding since 2005 and have a great deal of knowledge in the areas of classes and raid mechanics. At this point in time we are accepting new members of level 20+ and would like to build the guild from the foundations up by training quality raiders and PvPers for the upcoming Cataclysm expansion. We've almost always got a full house online so there are plenty of friendly and helpful members to talk to and adventure with. We host our own ventrilo server and have a five tab bank available to members.

Guild Name: The Kingdom Horde
Guild Type: Casual, Raiding, PvE
Contacts: Gendeng or Soulthanasia
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: The Kingdom Horde has been around since pre TBC, as a casual leveling guild. Moving forward, we are aiming to be a closely knit, mature, family-friendly, casual raiding, and leveling guild. We run raids on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30-12:30AM. We are recruiting players to run the regular 10-man schedule, please feel visit our website and fill out the application if you're interested.

Guild Name: The Rokk
Guild Type: Social / light Raiding
Contacts: Rainawolf , Nethrassian, Cemele, Naturamoon, Jakkin
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: We are a social guild, all members are considered family.

Guild Name: Unbroken
Guild Type: PvE Casual 10 man raiding
Contacts: Nearra, Shaani, Alaewynn
Web site:
Recruiting: Off and on
Information: Raid times are Friday and Sunday 8: 30 pm server till bout 12 am Server. We also use skype
Edited by Nozz on 12/27/2010 3:17 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
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85 Blood Elf Paladin

Guild Name: Shadows End

Guild Type: PvE, Achievement based guild leveling

Contacts: Nikumu/Nastanda

Web site:

Recruiting: Yes

Information: Guild focusing on guild leveling and achievements. 5 man dungeons and 10 mans when we have enough interested players.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Unbroken
Guild Type: PvE Casual 10 man raiding
Contacts: Nearra, Shaani, Alaewynn
Web site: (( will get this one later tonight ))
Recruiting: Off and on
Information: Raid times are Friday and Sunday 8: 30 pm server till bout 12 am Server.
We also use skype
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: Riddle of Steel
Guild Type: PvE and Social
Contacts: Daynk (GM), Atepa and Wraine (officers)
Web site:
Recruiting: Selectively recruiting for Cataclysm
Information: RoS has been around for a long time. We focus on end-game content while having fun! Socials are also encouraged to apply.

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90 Night Elf Druid
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: The Sword and Shield
Guild Type: Medium to heavy RP.
Contacts: Aralie/Rosalynde, Leshou/Allard
Web Site:
Recruiting: Yes.
Information: The Sword and Shield is an in-character organization formed with one intention: to band together and protect our homes and loved ones as best we can from the coming onslaught, to defend what's ours. We are looking for friendly, mature players who like to relax, RP, and who enjoy various aspects of the game. We are currently a small group, but are looking to make new friends to roleplay and explore this strange new world with.
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Darkness in the light no longer exists
Edited by Kirora on 12/5/2010 6:53 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Guild Name:CataclysmicEruption
Guild Type: VERY casual raiding guild
Contacts: SATT(Vodius, Itzame) or Milkymilk
Web site:none yet, but i hope to have one soon
Recruiting: Yes (We REALLY need DPS)
Information: We are a newly created guild. The original reason for creation was to get a full guild run of ICC10 before Cataclysm came. Unfortunately, without some help from a few geared DPSers, that isn't going to happen. We need you!
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Faction: Horde

Guild Name: Affinity

Guild Type: PvE, PvP, Raiding

Contacts: Quakthorn or Dreyden

Web site: It's best if you contact ingame >.>

Recruiting: Yes

Information: We are a 10man raiding guild moving to Cata. We are seeking a few new members to begin a 2nd 10man core since our 1st one has down LK and nearly full.

Additional information: We have been considered as a XXX rated guild due to our "adult" humor. No one under 16 need not apply : /

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73 Blood Elf Mage
Sadly, I believe We Take Candle has been disbanded and absorbed into RoS..
Unless someone else has taken up the Candle I'm quite sure it is no more than folks who haven't been removed from the now defunct guild.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
The Rokk is currently retired for the moment.

The Rokk Website:
(former officer)

Oh, and the Unbroken website:

(my druid Ivoress is in there)

I'll also see about getting the other guilds in here I have characters of like The Elementium Cactus and Insomnia.
Edited by Burninrain on 11/27/2010 4:24 PM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
Thanks for the helpful information! I've updated the listing.

I'll also see about getting the other guilds in here I have characters of like The Elementium Cactus and Insomnia.

That would be greatly appreciated :)
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71 Draenei Shaman
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Insomnia
Guild Type: Open To All - Raid
Contacts: Pinkerbel
Web site:
Recruiting: Yes
Information: Focused on honor and integrity.

Note: Very helpful and welcoming. Really helped me out since I've started playing alliance besides horde. I love these guys.
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