[H] The Scattered Soldiers Are Recruiting!

85 Blood Elf Paladin
We are a casual leveling guild at the moment, with aspirations of becoming a pvp/raiding guild after Catacylsm drops. We also dabble in a little bit of Role-play and welcome all those who would like to build a RP-PvP type background for their character. Our guild chat is OOC (Out of Character) but we do have a global channel for Role-play as well as small guild events throughout the week. We eventually plan on hosting a server wide RP-PvP tournament once we have enough able-bodied members and are well trained.

Guild Leader: Ianmoo
Officers: Nalarian, Gorrgesh
Website: (Almost finished) ScatteredSoldiers.guildportal.com
All levels and classes are accepted! Join us if you wish to do battle in the name of the Horde!
RP: Light

Lok'tar Ogar!
Edited by Nalarian on 12/8/2010 10:06 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin

We are currently working on a Guild RP story/book that we just began on our website. Members can contribute to the story as it progresses each week. We are looking for people interested in writing outside of the game as well as those that will help the guild reach new levels (figuratively and literally).

If you'd like more information about this or our guild activities, please send a letter in-game or contact me when I'm online. You can also register on our website to view our story, ask to contribute, or seek information about the guild and/or story. I just ask that you please register using your in-game character's name or send a letter telling me who you are, so we don't approve spammers.
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