★[H] Infusion Recruiting for Cataclysm ★

85 Blood Elf Paladin
As the title says; Infusion, formerly known as Team Bloodlust is currently recruiting to expand our roster to ensure we have the staff the start our Cataclysm raiding off on the right foot. At this point, guild membership will be mandatory to hold a raiding position.

We believe in casual schedule but not casual raiders. There's a big difference between the two. While we won't fault you for having a life and not being able to maintain 100% attendance two out of the three raid nights a week are a requirement to remain in good standing. While the days set are set at a casual level, we do not want that mentality to carry over to the raid team. When we're raiding, we need to be focused and get what we need to get done accomplished. Being as we have such a small schedule we expect everyone to come to raids prepared.

What's prepared? When we say pots/buffs on, we expect every person in the raid to have the following...

1.) Reagents for their specified class buffs.
2.) Potions and Elixirs/Flasks.
3.) Food Buffs.

Prepared however does not limit being only prepared during the raid but before the raid and after the raid is over. Those general obligations include the following...

1.) Showing up to raids repaired and on time, 6:45 pst.
2.) Showing up with your raid consumables. [Listed above]
3.) Showing up to raids fully gemmed and enchanted.

At this point in Wrath we have halted our regular ICC clears due to the Holidays, so gear isn't necessarily a deciding factor when we review applications. However, a base line class knowledge, and effort should be apparent in your gear. You must know how to listen to directions, not sleep in fire, know how to switch dps to adds, dodge ghosts/goo/ frost bombs, and just generally have a pulse and half a brain! We are a fun team, we love to joke around, harass each other, and have fun. Standing in fire so ruins the mood, so don't do it!

Current progression:

ICC 25 12/12 11/12 (Heroic).

ICC 10 12/12 (Heroic). Glory of the Ice Crown Raider 10 complete! (Horde #1) Yay drakes!

25 TOGC 4/5

10 TOGC Insanity Tribute (Horde #1)

Ulduar 10/25 complete with drakes on both levels (lol)

Raid Times:

25 man Tues/Thurs/Sunday 7-10:30 with invites starting at 6:45

Current Needs:

1 Resto Druid
All exceptional players will be considered!

We also are always happy to accept social members, as long as you aren't a jerk!

Please visit http://www.infusioncc.net/ to apply, feel free to speak with myself, Destriel, Sulphus, or Wu in game with any questions!

Also, Destriel accepts bribes in the form of fruit baskets and pie... Just ask Grimmjaww!
Edited by Kaelysta on 12/13/2010 2:23 PM PST
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80 Orc Rogue
I've only grouped with one or two of their members, but they were incredibly friendly and easy to get along with.

Friendly bump.
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80 Tauren Shaman
Shameless forum bump, whoo!
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100 Troll Shaman
Dirty Bump
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Bump, starting 25's back up after the Holidays!
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85 Orc Warrior
so i herd u gaiz liek mudkipz

Or bumps at least.
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90 Goblin Rogue
Edited by Sulphus on 3/15/2011 7:00 PM PDT
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85 Tauren Druid
Yay us!
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85 Troll Druid
<3 Infusion

Vikings Still win Kael


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90 Goblin Rogue
/Charlie Sheen bump
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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90 Goblin Rogue
As of 3/14/11, looking to recruit a Enhance Shaman with Resto offspec preferred and a Retribution Paladin with Holy Offspec preferred. Any questions, feel free to inquire in-game. All strong applicants even if not a stated need are considered.

Edit: One of the team reminded me I should state our current progression. We are 11/12 in 25 man normal modes, and are working on Al'Akir at the moment.
Edited by Sulphus on 3/15/2011 6:57 PM PDT
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90 Goblin Rogue
/tiger blood and adonis dna bump
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