Would you stay?

100 Blood Elf Priest

Let's say Blizzard decides to wipe the database to balance out populations etc. That means all personas on all accounts are gone. They say all the heroes died in trying to save the world from insane aspects of death and his elemental cronies. Would you...

A) Carp about it a bit but ultimately reroll whatever your main was before they got wiped, afterall leveling is far easyer now.

B) Immedately cancel your subscription in disgust without a word, they KNOW what they did wrong.

C) Shrug and reroll not even complaining. I did it once I can do it again.

D) Shake the very vaults of the sky with screams and complaints. A bare minimum of fourty new topics a day on the forums, yet continue to play.

E) See D but let your time run out after screaming for a month.

You would keep nothing save stuff you got from the cash store. Like the horse, the monk, or things gotten from blizzcon/collectors editions. Mini diablo, murkey etc.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Rerolling would *NOT* be all that easy. There's more to Troldann than a level 80 priest.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
There is a lot more to us all. I would probably complain a bit but just remake in the end.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I've already deleted Trol and rerolled. Right before BC. It was my insurance to keep me out of WoW so I could concentrate on life for a time.

I didn't work all that great, but it bought me about 6 months.

Honestly, if it happened tomorrow, I probably would again just because Cata is coming up. If it had happened 4 months ago, or a year into Cata, I imagine I'd have written off WoW and moved on to other things now that most of my WoW friends and I have ways of keeping in touch out of game.

And we have Left 4 Dead 2 too.

EDIT: yeah, I know my grammar and tenses are ALL screwed up. I'm too lazy to restructure the sentences so that it can be made sensible.
Edited by Troldann on 11/21/2010 9:09 AM PST
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85 Dwarf Warrior
That would be a tough one. Let's say that it happened right when Cataclysm comes out. Then I would probably remake Paranitis again so I can go through all that content again. All the pets and mounts and all that stuff are cool and whatnot, but I play this game to see content..and if it was right before a big expansion like Cataclysm, I would remake so I can see it.

However, if Cataclysm was already around for a couple or few months and it's during that time when I've already seen everything and experienced everything, and there's nothing really exciting happening and it's when I would normally level my alts..THEN I would probably just uninstall the game because to me, I'd have seen everything there was to see up to that point, and would have no reason to hang around anymore.

But it wouldn't happen anyway, so I'm not too worried, and therefor you are all stuck with me. Sucks to be you! :P
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100 Night Elf Priest
Someone said Left 4 Dead 2.
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85 Undead Warlock
Too attached to my characters.

I would just quit altogether. It took me long enough to level 3 characters to 80. Not doing it again.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Someone said Left 4 Dead 2.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Rerolling would *NOT* be all that easy. There's more to Troldann than a level 80 priest.


*swipes Troldann's pants*


I think it's more than just being 80th level. Some people have put a lot of effort into their characters. They've gotten several reputations up to Exalted, they've collected massive amounts of achievements, they have gear they worked hard to obtain, gem/enchant, and now they're even working on tweaking the gear even further via reforging(this level of granular "optimization" is of partial concern to me due to the min/maxers having yet another tool to potentially make others feel like they "aren't good enough", but I digress...).

Some folks have well-established RP arrangements, may lead guilds with considerable resources in the bank, or may even just have ongoing extended raid lockouts as they decided to plod their way to completing an instance instead of resetting it every week and plowing back through the content again in the hopes that they could get "one more boss" down that week instead of just going as far as they've gone before.

So no, I don't think I'd appreciate a wipe very much.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Considering how different the 1-60 experience is, in many ways I would not notice if I had to start over from level one. However, the 6 years of arpee outfits and items I've amassed would just be devastating to lose. I had to farm for this eye binding for 4 months just about, half of the raid a pug we had to explain the Black Temple tactics to every single night. The Reliquary and the Illidari Council were hell on pugs, but 5 years of role playing story line would not be denied it's culmination.
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Reroll, almost certainly. WoW has taken the place of TV watching for me, i.e. what I do to unwind and relax after long days.

And I rather enjoy leveling and such, so it'd not be too terrible. I'd miss Plains, but he could be rebuilt, or I'd just take the chance to start anew, maybe even on another server (all my meatspace friends that play play on different servers).

Whatever happened though, I'd be back.

That being said, if Blizzard did such a thing, I am reasonably certain it would be the deathknell for the larger game of WoW though. The amount of nerdrage generated would be almost certainly fatal to the game as we know it.
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80 Human Paladin
WoW has definitely become a staple in my RL. I've developed many a friendship with the fellow players I have come accross, even flying/driving out for weekend trips to hang out ... Ironically just to spend that weekend on WoW with each other ... but having had to reroll during BC because I was sharing my account with a friend(Yes, Yes, I know, ToS violation, but she would log in during the night to farm and tool around on my toons and help with guild management, and I would do the same on her toons, and as such, we both got hammered by Blizzard) once I got past the loss of the countless hours spent farming RP gear sets and random items(how can you throw away a happy rock?) I found rerolling wasn't too bad, it was actually kind of refreshing being little again, and with the changes to the world, it would feel rather new IMO. However, I only have 2 80's and that's all I've ever had, so I'd imagine if I spent the time leveling say, 5 or 6 80's I may not feel the same. /shrug I don't think I could just stop playing, I tried 3 times, never lasted more than a month or two.

SN: I am now back home on Cenarion Circle! Yay! (moved off during that server split a while back, decided to return home for Cata, misseded all my friends)
Edited by Jinho on 11/22/2010 10:04 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I'd probably reroll Bhayne with a bit of griping. Worked hard on this girl and I'd miss her very much. Would also need Jezy back too.
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80 Blood Elf Mage
I not long ago got my own account (finally), and started fresh with no main to give me heirlooms, no way of farming for all those extra BoE items, no enchantment scrolls in the mail. I was playing like a new person would, and I loved it. It was harder, my dps numbers were never that high compared to everyone else due to no heirlooms, mobs took longer to kill, but dinging 80 the other night was probably the best feeling I have had in this game in a long time.
So, to answer your question, I would reroll happily.
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95 Human Death Knight
Well with most of the areas and quests revamped and new to me it would actually be fun to level from 1 to 85. Funny enough I almost wish they'd do a forced wipe since I only have 1 non 80 character on this realm. name saving character I saved for my worgen but I know I won't see all the new stuff on 1 character and it's gonna be hard for me to delete a level 80 character. Would solve my dilemma I guess lol
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85 Goblin Shaman
I would stay just to hear people complain. Their sweet, sweet tears would sustain me.
Edited by Pipjip on 12/3/2010 5:49 PM PST
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100 Tauren Hunter
I'd probably be done with the game. I've put too much into this guy over the last 5-6 years to start over again.
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