Party Chat and RP

85 Undead Rogue
Something that particularly irks me is the fickleness of people when it comes to party chat. Is it IC by default? Or OOC?

Personally, I prefer to keep it OOC and use other channels for RP. Generally speaking, I prefer not to roleplay at all unless the setting is strictly defined, either by agreed upon conventions (guild chat or a 'tavern'-esque channel), or by physical location in the game (say, emote, whisper, yell, ect.). In those channels, I am always either in-character or not ICly present.

Another problem I have with using party chat for IC communication is that 90% of the time a fair amount of it becomes OOC anyway in the form of bracketed chat which clutters up the channel. I personally am of the opinion that any OOC chat should pertain directly to the RP, and that any 'off-topic' chatter should be taken elsewhere. When party chat is the mode of RP, it becomes significantly more difficult and highly impractical to keep it that way.

Of course, I respect other people's views on the subject and adjust accordingly when playing with them. Not trying to fuss at people, just expressing my own views and looking for feedback. :)
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80 Human Rogue
Also: I really wish I could get Vectus' avatar to update to his RP gear. *sighs*
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Goes by the mood of the group really. I'll drop a phrase or two IC'ly. If no response, then I'll usually keep it OOC. If I get an OOC response, but an amusing one, I'll probably stay IC.

Tend to keep chitchat to a minimum regardless, as smacking beasties on the noggin doesn't really need much in the way of speechifyin.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I assume party is ooc in instances and such. I won't rp in heroics or bg's mainly because I always get people from non rp servers, besides like Plains said, melting faces dosen't require speechifying.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Depends on the group. An IC run, then yes, party is IC. Randoms are definately OOC.
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68 Orc Hunter
Generally, I go with IC. Even if I'm talking about OOC stuff, I speak as my character would about it or not at all. I'm sure it drives people crazy sometimes, but that's how I enjoy the game. I wouldn't play otherwise.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Depends on the character.

Back when I roleplayed May (much, much) more, I considered say and yell the roleplay channels. Everything else -- meh.

I have a character I'm fulltime in-character on, though. Raids, party, explaining encounters, it's a fair bit of fun. :)
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100 Undead Warrior
What doesss it mean, OOC, yesss?
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80 Undead Death Knight
Yeah, I must admit that I move in and out of it depending on the situation. I use it ICly when in an RP group where we might not *all* be in the same area together but still want to communicate something ICly. If we are all together, like in a dungeon, I will use /say for RP and keep party chat OOC.
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80 Blood Elf Mage
While I don't really RP at the moment, I have come across some people from other realms who do RP throughout instances. Being a non-RPer (for now), I always enjoy it and do my best to respond IC. It adds a little something to a usually mundane experience (heroic grinding is not fun in the slightest), and I am always grateful for a little distraction.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Generally for party chat I assume OOC unless there is an indication of otherwise or the party was formed for RP reasons.
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