Radio Free Gnomeregan's 5th Winter Veil Show!

100 Tauren Hunter
Live Broadcast: TBA, most likely Wednesday December 15th, 6pm

Once a year, Mingonashoba dodges dwarven guards and fights his way into the depths of Gnomeregan. He sets up shop alongside holdout gnomes in the Clean Zone, and broadcasts a special show to everyone and anyone who tunes their hearthstones in. Even in days of brutal conflict across worlds he tries to bring Alliance and Horde together in one day of relative peace with relaxing music.

What you'll hear:
    * Holiday standards
    * Selections from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite
    * Peppy and relaxing jazz numbers
    * The Vince Guaraldi Trio ("A Charlie Brown Christmas")
    * A few hidden gems that might make you think "what the heck did I just hear?"

Join DJ Mingo and Radio Free Gnomeregan this December!
Edited by Mingonashoba on 11/20/2010 12:59 AM PST
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100 Tauren Hunter
I have Oxhorn's "Christmas For Geeks" album all ready to go. This will be a slightly difficult broadcast technically, because Windows 7 does not play well with my Shoutcast software and sound-card. I shall soldier on though!
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100 Undead Warrior
and, where do we go to hear thisss, yessS?
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100 Tauren Hunter
*forehead slap* Thank you for reminding me, and uh, I guess thanks again for those ripped ogre loincloths you gave me. It's the gift that keeps on giving, in the worst possible ways.

Tune your hearthstones into to hear the show.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Will you play my Woohah song again Mingo? >.>
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100 Tauren Hunter
I just miiiiiiiiight.
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100 Tauren Hunter
One last bump, the show goes live in 20 minutes! :D or
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