The false warchief.

For those who cannot stand that warmongering killer by the name of Garrosh Hellscream, House Starsong extends an invitation to you. While an elven house we will let in tauren without question due to how well we got along with "granpa" Carine. Note that if you come to us you are giving up any horde affilation. We are no longer part of it and will personally see Garroshs head decorateing the gates of Rosehaven. Perhaps then Thrall will return when his job is done. Orcs are not welcome in the house or on Starsong lands. They will be killed on sight if they enter our lands. I have ordered Alishandra out of Orgirmaar, and also ordered any Starsong elf to cease any project helping the orcs. I am often in Northrend, or in the Ghostlands working with the cenraion druids on healing our lands. Send me a mail or if you happen to come across me we can discuss this matter.

((Ok Lara is trying to rebuild her house and hates Garrosh beyond all things walking on the earth for killing Carine, and yes I know all about the dual. She also dislikes him for his high handed orc good all else bad he is pushing. I would also like to try to get the house as an acutall leaders instead of Lor who?))
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I predict your life will be in peril, all the time.
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85 Human Warlock
Hehehe. I do so love when a bunch go and almost ask for a slow and painful death. I'd applaud your bravado, but the lack of subltley'll simply get your head on a pike, much like your declartion of war against the warchief promises.

Highly doubt you'll get any help from the Alliance. Silly elf, burning the bridge behind you before crossing the river, a torch and pitchfork-wielding angry at the otherside.
Edited by Ardam on 11/28/2010 10:47 AM PST
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100 Human Warrior
Common sense from a bloodelf. I never would have guessed it. Seems I was mistaken about your kind. Fight on and fight well renegades.
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I was not in command of the house when the blood elves left the alliance. My mother was. However as the man who tried to get us killed off was delt with some accomidations could probably be reached. It is sad that it appears no one else sees the horrible things this person is doing. If I have to fight all by myself, I will.
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100 Orc Shaman
Who th' Fel would y' have lead th' Horde, if not Garrosh?
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Saurfang? Eltrigg? Drek'Thar? Though he has seen better days. Someone who does not carry his arms in his biceps and go out of his way to irritate his allies. We are, or were allies. The orcs did not own us. Us, the forsaken, the tauren, the darkspear, are allies. Soverign nations. Maybe its time the orcs gave up the title to someone else. Baine? A bit young but maybe he could be taught. Vol'jin maybe.
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85 Tauren Hunter
Cairne accepted the "To the Death" conditions a'the duel. He knew he might've died fighting. Garrosh may not be a good person. Or'a reasonable one. But in'a time like this? With'a War on our doorstep? Garrosh is th'person we need. F'now. He's done much, and showed qualities of a leader I'll back.
As f'you, abandoning the Horde. Shame on you, y'coward.
But, perhaps y'done us a favor. Weeded y'self and any others weak like y'who think what needs t'be done is "Wrong".
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85 Human Paladin

This is highly amusing. Someone calls out your warchief for being the blood thirsty mongrel he is and and the rest of you choose to stick to your Blind Loyalty to "The Horde".

Hell I'm betting Thrall could have stuck Putress in the position of Warchief and you'd all be okay with that too. I personally would have gone with Saurfang but that's just me.

I am sorry to hear about Cairne. Never had anything against the the old bull. He knew how to swing a mean totem thing. But really? An honorable duel to the death with Garrosh? That'd be like me picking a fight with Old Emma.

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85 Tauren Hunter
Don't underestimate Cairne. He seemed to be doing pretty damn good till th'poison kicked in. And that wasn't Garrosh's doing, that was Magathas.
And it's hardly blind loyalty. He's done enough t'prove t'me he's got the makings of a proper leader in'a time when Humans are sacking and raiding defenseless Tauren settlements, human.
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100 Orc Shaman

Saurfang don' wan' th' job. He's stayin' in Northren', t' be near th' places were his son died. Twice. He's keepin' Warsong Hold runnin' wit' th' las' o' dat force.

Eitrigg? He's servin' as one o' Hellscream's chief advisors. Drek'thar, too. Bu' dey tell me he's finally startin' t' show his age.


Pull th' gorram log outta yer own eye before y' complain abou' th' speck in mine. Garrosh was th' bes' choice Thrall could make. Bu', seems t' me, anyone woul' be a better choice den yer tyran' of a king.
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80 Undead Priest
This is highly amusing. Someone calls out your warchief for being the blood thirsty mongrel he is and and the rest of you choose to stick to your Blind Loyalty to "The Horde".

Hell I'm betting Thrall could have stuck Putress in the position of Warchief and you'd all be okay with that too. I personally would have gone with Saurfang but that's just me.

I am sorry to hear about Cairne. Never had anything against the the old bull. He knew how to swing a mean totem thing. But really? An honorable duel to the death with Garrosh? That'd be like me picking a fight with Old Emma.

Says the human with a schizophrenic as King.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Garrosh may lead 'the horde' but the horde itself is comprised of very diverse groups most of which he has no direct command over save by their willingness to follow an order... when it suits them. As far as I'm concerned he leads the orcs, and last I checked I'm not one.

Time will tell if he is able to be more than a warmongering fool and for the sake of those I have fought beside I hope he matures and wises up quickly. As far as I'm concerned he can sit on a spike and spin he's no warchief of mine.

Glory to the Sin'dorei, long shall Quel'thalas stand.
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100 Orc Shaman
Well, if y' don' like et, go back t' Silvermoon an' Lor'Whatever.
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100 Human Mage
I beg your pardon, miss Elf, but do not those wishing to join the Horde have to make some sort of Oath?

In joining the Horde, your leaders most likely took this oath on behalf of their people. This oath binds them to the Horde, and their Warchief. The Horde is not a democracy. There is no vote by the people, and there is no committee. The Horde answers, above all, to the Warchief. That Warchief, much as it may displease some, is Garrosh, and your leaders have sworn to abide by the will of the Warchief. If they had objected to the decision, they would have made it known, as Cairne did. I grieve for his loss on behalf of the Tauren people, and I hope that Magatha was brought to justice.

But yes... in separating yourself so from the Horde, you betray not only the Orcs, but your own people, and I hardly imagine King Varian would be willing to take you in.

You may want to choose your course of action more wisely, my dear... as your current path pits you alone against the rest of the world. I do not think that the odds are in your favor.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, if y' don' like et, go back t' Silvermoon an' Lor'Whatever.

I may not serve Garrosh but I still aid the members of the horde. You will find me fighting to defend the lives of my allies regardless of my personal feelings towards the new Warchief.

I however do not support this fool woman's efforts. I rather like orcs, a lovely lot if you ask me.
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100 Human Warrior

You may want to choose your course of action more wisely, my dear... as your current path pits you alone against the rest of the world. I do not think that the odds are in your favor.

This make it's all the more admirable if ya ask me.
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86 Human Paladin
I hate to be a total jerk, but Lara, it's Cairne, not Carine.
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