The false warchief.

80 Undead Death Knight
Yet another "High Elf" wearing a crimson guise; yet more tumorous fetid flesh that poisons the whole.

Not so much with regards to your opinions of the new warchief (verily, it would be unpolitical of me to comment further) but thy general assumptions.
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80 Undead Priest
All leaders should receive criticism, for it is the public that holds them accountable. However, you've sacrificed your credibility by this... childish... attempt to leave the Horde. Your criticisms will fall on deaf ears, as you have willingly labeled yourselves as extremists and separate from the Horde. Self defeating, really.
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100 Orc Shaman
Here's th' thing, Lara.

Garrosh ain't th' "False" anythin'. Call him "th' warchief y' don' like," whatever.

He's still in charge. An' if y' can't respec' et, den go ahead an' take yer ball an' go home.

Jes' don' come askin' th' Horde fer anythin'.

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Jest wanna add one lil' thing.

Ain't nuthin wrong with 'not being part of the horde', shoot, half of us Ishnu folk ain't too keen on the whole idea, but it're one thing to be yer own person an' all, and another kettle of gnome entire to run around shriekin "I REJECTS YUUUU!" in yer lil girly elf voice. Especially when ya ain't got no choice but to lives with us other folks.

Consider the nuances carefully darlin'. And really, speakin' as one who ain't never had no truck with factions anyway, I wishes the best of luck, really I does.

Plainswander, Druid, Older than Blazieth
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85 Orc Death Knight
This argument is the kind that is best settled by an axe to the face.

Feel lucky the Warchief lets you run your mouth freely.
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100 Human Mage
Plainswander, Druid, Older than Blazieth

Now see, this just makes me curious as to how old you actually are. By my own peoples' standards, I'm something of an antique, but I'm not quite sure as to Tauren standards.
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Plainswander, Druid, Older than Blazieth

Now see, this just makes me curious as to how old you actually are. By my own peoples' standards, I'm something of an antique, but I'm not quite sure as to Tauren standards.
Well, truth be told, I'm motsly yankin yer chain there. But I'm pretty aged, been round some while, ayyyup. Never did bother to settle differences between how you pinkies count time and how us People it do though. Might be as that'd be an interesting way to pass some time.

Y'don't mind me askin there fella, how DO you count your ages? And what's your'n?
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100 Human Mage
I do believe we both simply count the years - I'm merely unsure of just how long Tauren lifespans tend to be on average. I know Cairne, poor old bull, was nearly a hundred and ten, and though I got the feeling he was very old by Tauren standards, he was still a formidable warrior.

Myself, I'm several years his senior... but as I'm sure that alone will raise a number of eyebrows, I believe I'll... keep quiet about specifics, at least here.
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well shoot...ain't that something. Guess you might jest be older than me after all. Us Taurens don't live more'n 150 years at a go, and even that're stretchin it some. Can't see why a body'd want to live more than that really. After all, if it takes ya longer than 100 years ta git something done, ya probably ain't doin it right.

Myself, well, I'd say, wut with all the indiscriminate use of portals and associatin with them bronze Dragons and all, I'd say I've lived, oh, maybe 50 to 70 years. Not all of 'em here on Azeroth y'unnerstand. So, I surely ain't no kid, but I'm not ready to shuffle off yet neither. I stopped counting fer certain after I met meself the third time tryin to keep some infinite jokers from blowing up something they ought notta.

So, my apologies Gramps, reckon I takes back every instance of callin ya "youngster", shoulda knowed a crazy ole coot like yerself wouldn't cotton to that sort of tomfoolery.
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Well durnit. Deathwing made me doublepost. Pesky dragon.
Edited by Plainswander on 12/1/2010 2:54 PM PST
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100 Human Mage
*chuckles* Aye, the Caverns of Time are a wondrous place - though I'm happy to say I've had the good fortune to avoid encountering younger incarnations of myself during my trips to the past in those caverns.
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