Sacrosanct is recruiting(2/12 downed)

85 Human Warrior
Sacrosanct has downed 2/12 and we are looking to expand our raiding team. We now have a 10 man raid group formed and will be raiding three times a week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5PM server time until 8:30PM server time with our core team. For our core team we are still looking for a well geared warlock or boomkin and a paladin or priest (for heals). We are also looking for more people who fit these times to soon start a second 10 man team (which will merge into a 25 man team) and we will recruit any well geared and skilled class. We are also working on recruiting more for our 10 man weekend team. Please note, if you are skilled and what we are looking for, you will NOT be put on raiding 'backup', we will get you raiding as quickly as possible.

So who are we? Teamwork is the backbone of Sacrosanct. We are a guild that greatly values putting the team first over the individual. Our goal is to maintain a guild that can progress quickly and efficiently through new content, while at the same time holding onto our safe, fun, and downright silly environment.

Sacrosanct focuses on building relationships to foster a team based environment. We use real first names to address a real person behind a character. We want to know your job, your hobbies, and a good deal more about your life. We make members have a reason to log on when there is no raid to look forward to. Whether its interesting stories from the lives of our members, playful insults or silly come-ons, or downright hilarious adult content, there is always something interesting going on in vent or guild chat.

Sacrosanct values maintaining a drama free, fun atmosphere. To uphold this standard, we have a no drama policy. We do not believe that drama is an inevitable part of a raiding guild, and we will do what is necessary to keep ours drama-free. Drama, negativity, disrespect, or harassment will be dealt with swiftly and completely. We wish to keep our guild atmosphere a happy, fun, and easy-going place.

We value members who work to become more skilled, geared, and knowledgeable. We expect members to do everything they can to maximize their own potential and the potential of the members around them. In return, we group them with a team who has put in comparable effort. Your work will equal your reward.

We expect members to take our raids seriously, and with professionalism. Raiders should do everything possible to fully educate, gear, and practice their role for content. We expect raiders to follow through on obligations if they sign up and stay as long as the raid deems necessary. To take boss fights seriously, do exactly as told, and listen intently to the raid leader for maximum success in progression. However, we also expect members to be fun and silly both in and out of raids when appropriate, be easy-going when things don’t go as planned, and bring up the mood with jokes and positivity whenever possible.

If what you have read above tugs at your heart strings, its recommended you apply at or talk to one of the GM's (whisper a Sacrosanct member to see if they are online).
Edited by Groosalugg on 12/21/2010 8:35 PM PST
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85 Human Warrior
Edited by Groosalugg on 12/19/2010 7:06 PM PST
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85 Human Warrior
Sacrosanct has succesfully downed Halfus, let us rejoice and be merry.

Looking for more raiders.
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85 Human Warrior
update downed omnitron today
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85 Human Rogue
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85 Draenei Paladin
Apparently my better half has been lazy with his updating so heres a few updates.

NEW website is up:

New bosses down, we are now 4/12 with - Halfus, Valiona/Theralion, Omnitron and Magmaw down.

We still need more raid ready healers, dps and tanks.

Heres a teeny bit about us in a more present day perspective;

Guild Bank policy:

If you are a raider and you need an epic crafted and you need mats to do it, the gbank will help provide for this.

If you are a social member and you need help getting a profession up because you're broke, we will help you until your pockets are stabilized enough to reimburse the bank.

There is no such thing as 'buying' from the guild bank, we find it uninspiring to our ideals of teamwork and cooperation and find it displays a lack of faith in our members as people and players. We do believe in 'Trading' with the guild bank and borrowing from the gbank until you are capable of paying back.

Our Invite policy:

We do have a group of social members and a group of 'Raider' status members. You need not apply to receive a Trial membership, whether you are going for 'Raider' in the near future or wish to remain social.

A chat with an Officer, or either GM, to ensure that we're all on the same page on what is expected of people in terms of mentality, behavior and general things of that nature is the requirement for attaining a Trial Member status.

5-man heroics:

Heroics aren't easy if people are not cooperating and doing things right. Regardless of what others might say, or what your gear level is, heroics do require dedication and concentration.

With that said, they are our primary method of gearing new raiders and members, because of how much work a heroic really is there is a priority on who to gear first. This is solely dependent on who needs the gear and whether they need it to raid or just for fun.

Everyone, GMs included, does their best to help gear everyone else. There is never a time where we will prioritize officers, friends, etc over others simply because we like them more, or they have been there longer. If there is a tank in need of gear, leadership will ensure that tank is paired with the most capable group to farm heroics with. Or sub that tank in for boss kills that have a chance of dropping an upgrade for that tank, even if it puts a dent in the rep or JPs we need. All of us share the same helpful mentality, you will not ever find a clique in this guild.
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