Question about Etiquette

26 Troll Druid
I have a question about etiquette around RP events. I am new to CC and although I don't actively RP yet, I want to be respectful of those that do.

Last night, I was questing around Ratchet. There were several people RPing (I guess it was the AAMS Tavern event). I would walk through the area (whether mounted or not). I figured it would be rude to run through the groups, so was walking the correct way to move though the area the event was taking place?

I intend to be a casual RPer, but I am still trying to learn the basics. I will start watching the /HordeOOC chat. Is there an addon that people use to flag themselves as RP friendly or not?
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85 Human Warlock
Good idea with coming up unmounted, it's a pest to have a large mount come barreling in running over everything and ruin a rather good bit of RP. Etiquette isn't too hard to learn, I take to it like it were a real life situation: be as polite as your character would be, don't run in and begin yelling at people (all caps, otherwise considered yelling/shouting is okay IF the situation calls for it), and usually if you're unsure if the event is public or private, find the person that seems to be the leader and ask if they mind you "dropping in", it usually isn't a problem to have a new face.

Pretty much it boils down to, be polite and when in doubt ask about! Glad to have a new Roleplayer on the server!
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I have a question about etiquette around RP events. I am new to CC and although I don't actively RP yet, I want to be respectful of those that do.

Last night, I was questing around Ratchet. There were several people RPing (I guess it was the AAMS Tavern event). I would walk through the area (whether mounted or not). I figured it would be rude to run through the groups, so was walking the correct way to move though the area the event was taking place?

I intend to be a casual RPer, but I am still trying to learn the basics. I will start watching the /HordeOOC chat. Is there an addon that people use to flag themselves as RP friendly or not?
FlagRSP is pretty popular, or so I hear, I tend not to use add-ons.

Also, respect and playing well with others, you're doing it right. Welcome to CC.
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100 Undead Warrior
We can ssshave thisss one, yesss?
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91 Blood Elf Paladin
Shave with gleeful abandon duuuude! Like, total shaaaavaaaage!

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