[A] Hello. (: How's the raiding over here?

80 Draenei Warrior


Seeking a decent raiding environment on a roleplaying server, and I'm just here to poke around a little. As for raiding times, my companion and I can start anytime after 6PM (PST), any nights.

If anyone could give me some info, I would greatly appreciate it. (:
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Well, it really depends. Some guilds are awful, and some are pretty good. Even the better guilds on this server aren't as hardcore as non-RP servers, so it tends to be a handful of people really wanting to push content while the rest are just along for the ride. At least from what I've seen.

If you have good gear though and aren't completely anti-social like I am, you should be fine if you wanna come in as a tank. There are far FAR too many DPS Warriors on this server.
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100 Night Elf Warrior
There are a lot of good, fun raiders on this realm that make the raiding environment great! Progression isn't as competitive as you'll find on some other servers, as mentioned by Paranitis, but you won't have trouble finding players who want to challenge themselves.

There are far FAR too many DPS Warriors on this server.

Not true! You can never have too many. ♥
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85 Dwarf Warrior
but you won't have trouble finding players who want to challenge themselves.

...or who are challenged...
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85 Dwarf Warrior
so I can't recommend a guild.

Other than Warcraftier..the guild you are in, who raids pretty successfully. :P
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85 Gnome Priest
And who already has more melee than we know what to do with :-P
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85 Gnome Priest
This is why Zavex continues to polish his head every day. With the holiday season coming, why spend on Winter Veil lights when you can use your internal resources for freeeeeeee?

He also doubles as a Disco ball!
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90 Night Elf Druid
I'm likely prejudiced having played here since "raiding" was Scholo and UBRS, but I'd say there are both good opportunities for casual raiding and some guilds that are more focussed on progression. As the alt of a tauren who belongs to "a guild that raids rather than a raiding guild" I got to see the Lich King as part of a non-guild group that raided once a week if enough group members could make it. To me that says something about the depth and variety of the raiding community.
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