(From the get go I wanted to roll a troll warlock, this is five years in the making. Had to settle for a Forsaken, which I love, but a troll lock? Good times! I plan on being very active RP wise now, just need to flesh out the story a bit, but the gaps for now are covered!)
*A notice has been posted on the wall at the main gates to Orgrimmar and at the Undercity. In simple writting it reads the following.*
"I be alive now! Joo thought it was ok ta leave me to die in dat plague? I was a walkin corpse for years mon! Den da living...dey tried to kill meh! I dun bein trew bein enslaved an bein someone I not knowin. Da spirits and da Loas, dey be grantin me life again! I be commin for joos....all of joo! I be Didios of da Forsaken! I wont be stopped mon!"
*A notice has been posted on the wall at the main gates to Orgrimmar and at the Undercity. In simple writting it reads the following.*
"I be alive now! Joo thought it was ok ta leave me to die in dat plague? I was a walkin corpse for years mon! Den da living...dey tried to kill meh! I dun bein trew bein enslaved an bein someone I not knowin. Da spirits and da Loas, dey be grantin me life again! I be commin for joos....all of joo! I be Didios of da Forsaken! I wont be stopped mon!"