"A present for Ehlina Vargas." [RP]

80 Human Rogue

Nailed to the back of the corpse of a Worgen in the middle of the Cathedral Square in Stormwind are two 'letters.' The first one being innocuous enough; a small note with words written in an elegant, slanted script. The other, a poem penned in much the same manner, but written in blood on a neatly stretched, layered, and painstakingly sutured tapestry of human flesh, the stitchings of which bear the image of a chaos star.

The first letter reads:

To Ehlina Vargas:

A special present for you. I hope you like it.
I took extra time to craft the paper myself. I
was able to find the most brilliant of inks as
well! The previous owners were happy to part
with them after a little persuasion.

The poem, however, is not of my creation. I
was merely asked to deliver it to you by a
mutual friend. (She left the specifics up to me.)

Give my regards to the messenger, should
the poor beast make it to you alive. If not,
take care not to get too close, as it would be
most unfortunate for you to contract Cold
Fire Fever.

~Vectus, Fury of the Dancing Blades

P.S.: I hear this strain is particularly virulent.

The poem:

Former creation of magnificent structures:
Gleaming white pillars rose high above.
Her reign of light was short and soon forgotten.
'Twas his dark creations, wreaking havoc:
Feeding off of echoes of former glory.
The stars will fall, the sun will hide,
Trembling at the abominations of his making.

And she will fall again, light fading from battle worn skin,
No terror of abominations, nor fear of unknown,
Nor disgust will challenge her rage,
Endless hate for him, for his shadowy embrace.
On all merits, she will fall from her former glory,
Falling lower into his expansive web.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
((I'm now convinced Vith/Vectus has the hots for E. *nods*))
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85 Human Paladin
The plated flew helm across the room hitting the wall of the command center with a very loud clang before finding at resting spot on top of the wooden floor. It's owner stood across the other side of the room looking very upset. The red haired woman hovered over a desk looking down at a couple of pieces of parchment that had just been forward to her from Stormwind Command.

"Light dammit. Those sons of ^%$#@es are back. Of all the . . "

She wanted to throw something again but there was nothing in immediate reach anymore. Six people dead all because someone in Modas Il Toralar wanted to send her a message. She should have figured Modas would be back soon but she was hoping for a little more time since the appearance of Deathwing and the loss of Hillsbrad. No suck luck.

She looked the letter over a few times making sure she was able to commit it to memory. She planned to recite it back word for word to both Vectus and it's writer right before she killed the both of them.

She walked over to the other side of the room and picked up helm and pulled her sword, Vengeance, off it's place on the rack. There were plans to make.
Edited by Ehlina on 11/27/2010 8:28 PM PST
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100 Undead Warlock
After the tectonic resonance cascade (the Unwashed called it The Shattering), Doctor Wolfe's primary focus was getting everything operational again. He had the foresight to disconnect the V.A.U.L.T. from the Inner Sanctum, but could not convince the ones outside his research wing to heed the reports he sent out. (After all, you can only made the title ''MANDATORY READING" so large...)

His contacts soon told him about the "present" the Pillar of Light received. One part of him felt disappointed that the "gentleman's agreement" he had with one of the Pillar's underlings would not come to fruition. What amounted to "the theoretical End Of All Things is a higher priority than an arm-wrestling contest between gnats" was tossed to the side by someone he had no control over. Again.

One of the V.A.U.L.T.'s doors finally synchronized with another portal, albeit 90 degrees clockwise on the wrong axis. He sent Drone #2 to re-establish contact with a few of the Modas's assets. They would be the ones most likely to remain intact, but intel after the TRC was not flowing the way he would like. It was time to change that...
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80 Undead Death Knight
Aziel rolls a black diamond between his fingers; his mouth curls into a twisted smile as he considers recent events.

"I believe I have chosen wisely in my newest Claviger..."
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