Do to unexpected forces at work in the real world. The Sisters of Elune RP community website fell to the way side a bit. But now that those forces have been routed, the website is back in operation!
With a new format in place, we hope to see the RP community website become active once again and see this tool help bring the RP community back to its grand stage. Even if the lights are off seemingly, there is still light waiting to illuminate the server once again for the RP community.
To all the current users of the old format for the community site, you may need to re-confirm your password, change it, or something else. If you need help doing so, just follow the guide, or ask a mod for help.
PS: Do to the changing of the format, we're still working out a few little kinks in things. Overall though, the website is entirely useable.
Mod contact list
Talibah / Omorose
-May your RP plots be enjoyable and your joy of Role playing never diminish.
With a new format in place, we hope to see the RP community website become active once again and see this tool help bring the RP community back to its grand stage. Even if the lights are off seemingly, there is still light waiting to illuminate the server once again for the RP community.
To all the current users of the old format for the community site, you may need to re-confirm your password, change it, or something else. If you need help doing so, just follow the guide, or ask a mod for help.
PS: Do to the changing of the format, we're still working out a few little kinks in things. Overall though, the website is entirely useable.
Mod contact list
Talibah / Omorose
-May your RP plots be enjoyable and your joy of Role playing never diminish.
Edited by Tãmz on 2/1/2014 8:40 PM PST