An Invitation to Horde Lounge Night on CC

100 Blood Elf Mage
((Good afternoon! In anticipation of our connection, our CEO Derscha Kettlebomb and myself have found ourselves in agreement that folks from our new sister realm are more than welcome to join us for our weekly Horde Lounge Night, held every Saturday at 7 server (PST) in Hardwrench Hideaway. She'll have an alt parked in Hardwrench this evening for anyone who'd like ot join us but may be shown terrible disfavor by the CRZ gods. :D

The AAMS, or Anytime, Anywhere, Messenger Service is a neutral guild with both Horde and Alliance branches servicing the needs of our population in deliveries, fostering RP, translation services, and faction transfers of both items and cash, as required. For anyone curious, feel free to find us at

Brae gave the updated fliers a quick once-over and nodded to Cori Sprocketquill before handing it back with a warm smile. It wasn't fair for her to consistently steal Derscha's assistant from her- she'd have to find her own eventually. "Th-those will d-do f-fine. I'll s-send one of the re-recruits to take th-them to the printers and d-distribute them."

The gnome nodded. "Sure, Miss Sunhawk." She shook her head on the way out the door at the frog in the corner. Ribbit! It was going to be much quieter around here once the Swap was over, and she couldn't say that was a bad thing at all.

Several days later, the fliers began to appear in all Horde and neutral territories in every language of its member races. The AAMS was soldiering on despite the political upheaval with their weekly meet-and-greet Lounge Night in Hardwrench Hideaway.

When: every Saturday, seven PM server!

Where: scenic Hardwrench Hideaway, which has all the commodities one could possibly need for a night off!

The AAMS even pays for the first round! Come and join us!

A reminder, this is an event for the Horde branch and members of the Horde only. Any Alliiance appearances will not be pardoned by the guards.

Post-Script: The AAMS cannot be held liable for any actions said guards may take against members of the Alliance and therefore also not liable for any damage to limb, armor, or any other person or personal belonging of said subject.

The Alliance has many taverns we encourage our couriers to go to, however, the Horde was sorely lacking, and as such, the AAMS is - as always - glad to provide."
Edited by Braedorialai on 2/1/2014 9:24 AM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
I'll try to make an appearance so long as you guys are not serving that crappy Blood Elf 'wine'.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
We've generally got a fair assortment for folks.
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90 Human Death Knight
i squeezed some wine out of a blood elf skull. it was glorious!
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10 Blood Elf Mage
((I'll be sticking Sharinel in Hardwrench in case CRZ isn't in our favor. Anyone who shows up will be welcome to my bnet tag and we'll try to get everyone in a raid so we can see each other!

And just to reiterate to be safe- that's 7pm Cenarion Circle server time, or Pacific time. That's 9pm Central for you folks!))
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/01/2014 02:18 PMPosted by Sharinel
And just to reiterate to be safe- that's 7pm Cenarion Circle server time, or Pacific time. That's 9pm Central for you folks!))

Which makes it like... 10pm my time.


Meh, good thing I tend to be a night owl.
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10 Blood Elf Mage
((So far CRZ seems to be good!))
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10 Blood Elf Mage
((Thank you, Mormel for coming out tonight! We enjoyed having you around. I'm an east coaster, too, so I understand the time thing.

The invitation stands for anyone who'd like to meet some folk and are free on Saturday evenings. I'm hoping to catch some of SoE's events, too.

See you around!

Derscha Kettlebomb
aka Sharinel and Renzly ))
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100 Goblin Warlock
Thanks for having me along Renzly and Brae. I had fun too and I should be available to come next week.
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10 Blood Elf Mage
Tonight! We shall enjoy another refrain of camaraderie and friendship!

Or spend the evening awkwardly sipping drinks and commenting on the weather.

Either way, hope to see some folks there!

7pm Pacific/9pm Central.
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100 Goblin Warlock
*sips tiny cup of apple juice*

I heard it might rain tomorrow...
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10pm Eastern.

I drink straight alcohol. None of this 'watered down' nonsense.
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10 Blood Elf Mage
It's that time of the week again!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Nyah! Hardwrench Hideaway is the place to be!

Although next time I need to bring more pineapple punch.
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100 Goblin Shaman
((bumpity bump. I'm lazy))
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100 Goblin Shaman
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