Hello Sisters of Elune!

90 Blood Elf Priest
I'm scouting around for potential servers to call home.

I thought I I would see how operational and enthused the PvE community is, here. I don't have it in my mind to raid much more this expansion, but am really hoping to find a consistent, steady team come WoD! : )
I hope to find a guild of friendly players who are dedicated to the game, and working together in a raid environment.
I would be re-rolling, and though I'm a more experienced healer, am able to fulfill most any role (tanking aside, maybe. But I'm sure I could learn!).

I know this little message is brief, and perhaps a bit scatterbrained.
I would love to discuss any further possibilities. ^^ Feel free to add me on mheep4#1260.

Both Horde and Alliance players are welcome.

- Priestess Meyona Starcatch
Edited by Starcatch on 2/28/2014 3:34 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
Hi, Starcatch!

I can't really tell you how PVE is on SoE, but I thought I would mention that the realm is slated. . . eventually. . . to be connected with Cenarion Circle. The connection date right now is on an indefinite delay, but it is probably something you want to consider when looking for a new home. I hope you'll consider it a plus for SoE/eventually CC. :)

Good luck hunting!
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100 Goblin Warlock
Greetings Starcatch!

Anyway, Derscha speaks the truth. Unless Blizzard pulls the rug out from under our feet Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune will basically become one and the same at some point in the near future. This is especially helpful if you enjoy to RP because there are several active CC RP guilds for both factions that are very open and welcoming.

With that said SoE is a very dead realm right now but there are still a few guilds out there that are interested in PVE. (Bloodhoof Brigands for example but there are some others that escape my memory) However, I do not think we have an ultra-serious raiding guild active at the moment but I could be wrong.
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