Guild Name: Taken
Server: Sisters of Elune
GM's REALID: Androxius#1212
Current 10 Man Progression:
13/14 N SoO
High Recruitment Needs:
Any tank. DK/Paladin preferred.
Any sort of DPS, ranged is a priority.
Any heals, shammy low priority.
or any quality raider regardless of class/spec
Raid Times:
Monday: 6:00 - 9:00 (CST)
Thursday: 6:00 - 9:00 (CST)
Sunday: 6:00 - 9:00 (CST)
(be online 15 - 30 minutes before the posted raid time for invites and raid prep. Exceptions can be made if we can work something out)
*Experienced in what you do, and the with current content we are working on.
*Geared/gemmed/enchanted appropriately, and at a high enough level to jump directly into raiding.
About Us: We are nerds that raid in a progression oriented guild that raids only 3 nights a week. I would consider us a semi-casual progression guild that takes advantage of the time we have allotted to us due to RL. We like to get stuff done while having fun. This is a fairly mature guild and isn't a guild for kids or trade trolls. We don't tolerate that sort of flaming or obscenity. We ask you hold a high attendance rate and know your class and boss strats.
We're a recent spinoff of Dead Man's Party, a more casual guild. The core group of raiders tried to make things more serious and we progressed by 4 bosses in a single night, but politics and differences of opinions have caused us to reform.
Loot: We use a Loot Council bidding system. Attendance, recent loot, and size of upgrade are the sole factors for loot distribution.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in being apart of our guild just go here and fill out an app:
Contact Androxius and set up a vent interview. REALID: Androxius#1212
Thanks for your time!
Server: Sisters of Elune
GM's REALID: Androxius#1212
Current 10 Man Progression:
13/14 N SoO
High Recruitment Needs:
Any tank. DK/Paladin preferred.
Any sort of DPS, ranged is a priority.
Any heals, shammy low priority.
or any quality raider regardless of class/spec
Raid Times:
Monday: 6:00 - 9:00 (CST)
Thursday: 6:00 - 9:00 (CST)
Sunday: 6:00 - 9:00 (CST)
(be online 15 - 30 minutes before the posted raid time for invites and raid prep. Exceptions can be made if we can work something out)
*Experienced in what you do, and the with current content we are working on.
*Geared/gemmed/enchanted appropriately, and at a high enough level to jump directly into raiding.
About Us: We are nerds that raid in a progression oriented guild that raids only 3 nights a week. I would consider us a semi-casual progression guild that takes advantage of the time we have allotted to us due to RL. We like to get stuff done while having fun. This is a fairly mature guild and isn't a guild for kids or trade trolls. We don't tolerate that sort of flaming or obscenity. We ask you hold a high attendance rate and know your class and boss strats.
We're a recent spinoff of Dead Man's Party, a more casual guild. The core group of raiders tried to make things more serious and we progressed by 4 bosses in a single night, but politics and differences of opinions have caused us to reform.
Loot: We use a Loot Council bidding system. Attendance, recent loot, and size of upgrade are the sole factors for loot distribution.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in being apart of our guild just go here and fill out an app:
Contact Androxius and set up a vent interview. REALID: Androxius#1212
Thanks for your time!
Edited by Androxius on 4/24/2014 2:02 PM PDT