Role Playing Primer on 12/5

100 Worgen Death Knight
This Sunday at noon realm time, I'm going to be holding an RP primer at Olivia's Pond in Stormwind (the pond is out behind the Dwarven District; find the "posting board" there, and go through the archway behind it, and it'll lead you on down into the area). The primary purpose is to help those of my guild members who are curious about RP to learn about it, learn how to speak in-character, and to answer any of their questions.

However, I want to extend a general invitation to anyone who would like to show up! The event is going to run til approximately 12:30-12:45, at which point I'm transitioning to a guild meeting for us. However, at 2:30, we're having an in-character RP event for The Reclamation to discuss its plans moving forward to assist in rebuilding Azeroth after Deathwing's rampage, and we would love to have other RPers show up there (both these events are occurring at Olivia's Pond), both to assist, and to start forming some alliances with the Reclamation so we can become a great part of the Alliance RP community on Cenarion Circle!

Hope to see you there!
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85 Undead Warlock
Be sure to include a quick lesson on myself and the Grim Maw Clan.

Will Souleater actually eat your soul? Answer: Yes.

What should you do if the Grim Maw invade the city you are in? Answer: Clear a path between them and the nearest bar.
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85 Human Paladin
Ah Souleater my old friend and enemy.

That's not the correct answer. The correct answer is: Stand in their way and make them earn every drink they take.
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85 Undead Warlock
So good to see you again, Ehlina!

The answer I provided was what I thought might be in the Alliance's best interest. The answer you gave, is the one the Grims prefer.

Perhaps after you and I and the worthy heroes of this realm have once again saved the world, the Grim Maw shall embark on a few piece walks.
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85 Human Paladin
Perhaps we shall. I hear there is a massive battle going on in the Southern Barren. Sounds like the perfect place for a little get together.
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