Now that the world has been remade and questing is far more fun and entertaining we should look back on the quests of yesteryear. I myself have played all along, a week after classic beta ended. I am curious as to the quests you found annoying or made you go eh? It does not have to be classic only. It can be anything, though I would prefer pre shattering stuff.
When I first started playing there were a few quests I hated. The main two depended on faction. Deep ocean vast sea irritated a great many of my alliance lowbies. For horde there was only one creature I truely dispised, and for some reason now I cannot remember his name at preasent. I believe it was Fizzle darkclaw, he was the object of a quest called dark storms and he was a goblin warlock. I think he was responseable for more deaths then any mob in WoW, even more then Hogger!
My favorite places were un'goro and feralas. I just liked the jungles. Wailing Caverns and Blackfathom have also always been my second home. Even after outleveling them.