Request for Feedback: KeybindTrainer (addon)

85 Human Rogue
Hey all -

I've released a new addon, KeybindTrainer. As you might guess from the name, the addon helps you learn your keybinds. It does this by testing you on binds for your action bar slots. It also allows the creation/sharing of custom tests for common action combinations--for example, Cloak + Vanish for Rogues. To help optimize your keybind layout, KeybindTrainer can optionally gather statistics to see what keybinds you miss/are slowest at.

I think this addon will be useful, especially with the new spells in Cataclysm. I'd like to make it as solid as possible. I'd be very appreciative if I could get a few brave folks to try it out and give me some constructive feedback.

Download links:

Options for feedback:

- Bugs: file a ticket on Curse
- Leave a comment on Curse
- Leave a comment on WowInterface
- Reply here

Known issues/improvements (working on these):

- Not compatible with binds set via BindPad
- Using Bartender/Dominos will cause KeybindTrainer to guess incorrectly when determining which action bar slots are currently visible.

Many, many thanks in advance for your help!
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85 Undead Rogue
Neat idea I suppose. Personally I've been using keybinds since day 1, and have every combat ability bound somewhere. I'm sure many people will find this useful, though. And who knows, maybe if it gets popular it'll increase keybind usage among your average player. That can only be a good thing. :D
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85 Human Rogue
Yeah, I've been using keybinds for years myself. However, even for folks like us, this addon can help optimize your bind layout. For example, while testing the addon I learned that I almost always missed my slice and dice bind once or twice before hitting the right key. I ended up moving things around a bit to fix this.

Thanks for the comment, and give it a go if you have time! Feedback from another longtime PvPer on how to make it more useful would be very welcome.
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85 Human Rogue
Small bump for a new release fixing some bugs. :)
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85 Night Elf Druid
Thanks! Will give it a try, on most of the characters... I'm reluctant to change things on my druid though, as I quite like my bind pad settings. Once/if ever compatible with bind pad, I'd probably definitely use it.
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85 Human Rogue
Thanks for the feedback. I've heard a lot of folks calling for bindpad compatibility, and with the number of new spells in Cata I can certainly see why. Will add that ASAP.
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51 Worgen Druid
are you saying it creates macros for you, or that it will work out a common order of one keypress and auto use the other ability? The reason I ask is that is something that is clearly against the ToU (under botting). Could you clarify it please?

Otherwise, to learn keybinds the old fashioned way, add one at a time, get used to where that ability is, then add another. I'm up to around 20ish keybinds now, and somehow each time I start a new Character I just "know" where my keybinds are.

Edited by Ellà on 12/14/2010 11:41 PM PST
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
I think I have 3 things bound >.> auto run, hunters mark, pet attack and.. nope just three...
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85 Human Rogue
are you saying it creates macros for you, or that it will work out a common order of one keypress and auto use the other ability? The reason I ask is that is something that is clearly against the ToU (under botting). Could you clarify it please?

What it does is quiz you on your keybinds. While doing so, it will time how fast you are at hitting your binds correctly, and how many misses it takes you before you got it right. It will do this over all your binds, or you can create custom tests for yourself with specific combinations. As an example, cloak->stealth is a combo that needs to be pretty quick for a rogue, so I created a custom test for that.

Does that help? And yes, I fully expect most experienced players (especially PvPers) to have figured out optimal binds. :) However, lots of folks (like me) still muck around with them often, or are new to binding everything. I made this addon to help.

12/15/2010 3:39 AMPosted by Larune
I think I have 3 things bound >.> auto run, hunters mark, pet attack and.. nope just three...

Haha, well, if you ever feel like adding more, give KeybindTrainer a whirl. :)
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51 Worgen Druid
It's a cool idea, I learnt mine as I said by adding one at a time, then going and fighting a lower leveled mob. Maybe it was a hard way to do things *shrugs*
I hope less people click because of this =)
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