What is RP like here?

90 Night Elf Monk

I am looking for another RP server to play on (I currently play on MG and WrA, but looking to expand my experience)

I'm wondering what RP is like here Horde and Alliance side =)
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome and I'll apologize upfront for being blunt.

Now I'm not sure why you'd be interested in SoE since we are cross realm zoned with both MG and WrA. Basically most RP they have we can gain access to in some way and vice versa.

That said SoE is a dead realm. Period. There are still a few RP guilds here and there but their numbers are small. Most of my friends are from Cenarion Circle so I often attend their RP events.

And speaking of Cenarion Circle SoE is, eventually, going to be 'connected' (ie merged) with them at some point. That will provide a much needed boost to the SoE population and RP scene. If you are still interested in this server then that is certainly something to consider.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I think what's funny is that a few months ago, when I said the same thing, that the server was dead and that people would have a better chance going elsewhere, I was labeled a naysaying troublemaker who hated RP. XD. I'm glad someone else is saying the truth and trying to save people the time and possibly the money involved in a transfer to a dead realm. You're best bet is staying where you are, everyone migrated -from- SoE -to- WrA and MG.
Edited by Nyksis on 3/23/2014 5:35 PM PDT
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93 Night Elf Druid
03/23/2014 11:52 AMPosted by Riverbrooke
I'm wondering what RP is like here Horde and Alliance side =)

At the very least, it's restricted to cliquish guilds. It's dead to everyone outside of those circles. Hopefully the eventual merge with CC will re-introduce public RP to the server once again.

I can't speak for Horde side, but peak time on Alliance side there's not a soul to be seen in places like the Blue Recluse or Catheral District, which are normally packed hot spots on servers like WrA and MG.

SoE had been my home for the longest time, but I eventually moved to WrA. I started playing some old characters here several months ago, and I've yet to run into a random RPer. I have run into some really nice players who've whispered me after noticing my MRP, but we usually end up talking about how things used to be.
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/23/2014 04:51 PMPosted by Nyksis
I think what's funny is that a few months ago, when I said the same thing, that the server was dead and that people would have a better chance going elsewhere, I was labeled a naysaying troublemaker who hated RP. XD. I'm glad someone else is saying the truth and trying to save people the time and possibly the money involved in a transfer to a dead realm. You're best bet is staying where you are, everyone migrated -from- SoE -to- WrA and MG.

Thanks but I just call it like it is. Now if blizzard had been more proactive about merging servers when WoW's population took a massive nose dive during Cata then things might be different on SoE but c'est la vie.
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03/23/2014 11:52 AMPosted by Riverbrooke

I am looking for another RP server to play on (I currently play on MG and WrA, but looking to expand my experience)

I'm wondering what RP is like here Horde and Alliance side =)

The RP on this server isn't as vast and numerous as the RP on MG or WRA, but I feel what we lack in numbers, our server makes up for in quality. I RP'ed with many of SoE's RPers and in my four years of being here, I've only had a small handful of them that I haven't wanted to continue RPing with. While I cannot, nor would I promise you would get RP every day you're here. I can say I'm more than willing to RP any time I'm on unless I'm busy, and that you would get fine quality RP from many of our RPers. As for being connected sooner or later to Cenarion Circle, this will also help SoE see a boost in RP.

If you do plan to come check out the server, simply join the RP community channel RPchatter on both Alliance and Horde. I will even check back on the forums to see if I can reply to any questions you may have, as well as answer them in game if you would like to speak.

Till your next reply here, or we get to talk in game, have a good evening, and may your RP experience be enjoyable & never ending.

Tamz, SoE RPCommunity website Mod & GM of The Shrouded Sentries.
Edited by Tãmz on 3/25/2014 9:11 PM PDT
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100 Orc Death Knight
03/25/2014 08:21 PMPosted by Mormel
Thanks but I just call it like it is. Now if blizzard had been more proactive about merging servers when WoW's population took a massive nose dive during Cata then things might be different on SoE but c'est la vie.

One small part of a vastly biger picture is how story wise emo elements, were may have ment to be part of a much wider xpac. I don't know how true that is. I can say anecdotally it's anticlimatic to go hit Nerzul, and the scope that comes with it to get...Nefarian House Wares and More remodeling azeroth?? With unilatarly meh zones and meh landscape- the peek of wich was Uldam. Bu from what I've read WOD is part of a large ish story arch potentially culminating with a visit to Argos, and epic combats- I'd be curious if Seragas was in some odd way testing Azeroth, see if could challenge the titans directly a theory that others have speculated about. I mention WOD only because it's more likely than MOP to be entertaining for any length of time
That said:
Sisters of Elune has a history of being at best high end of the low pop realms. It's more-or-less empty and stuckoed together at this point. A few guilds, but that's it. Hell Venture Co sees more player life. You might see more life at an amoeba cocktail party. Frankly I don't recomend it. I've got some toons there I mess around with. It's a problem when RP/PVP realms have comparitvely more players and more RPstuffs going on.
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