The Sisterhood of Elune - nonguild rp group

90 Night Elf Hunter
The Sisterhood of Elune - A non-guild, CRZ friendly rp group!

Do you play a Kaldorei priest or novice priest character?
Are you looking for friends, contacts, and partners of similar concepts?
Do you like events of various play style?

I present to you, the Sisterhood of Elune.

We are a group based on the Kaldorei priesthood that is open to pretty much any and all who play Kaldorei priests.
Because we are CRZ friendly, and not a guild situated on one singular server, we hope to encourage Kaldorei religious play and events for anyone who frequents Darnassus and Kalimdor proper.
The events we hope to provide include D&D styled encounters/adventures, festive happenings, and open events such as the upcoming monthly school event for novice priests of Elune, and novice players.
More details on that at a later time.

So now that I (hopefully) have your interest, you’re probably asking what it takes to join!
-Play a Night Elf.
-Play that Night Elf as a novice or full priest with any of the following classes: Priest, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue, and Monk.

That’s it.
That’s really all there is required.
For more information, group FAQ and rules, and to officially join the group please visit
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90 Undead Death Knight
What about an undead? I mean for all you know I could have been a night elf before I died. I say it should count. Also, I don't think you should discriminate based on race. Class maybe but race is going too far.
Edited by Afanasi on 4/21/2014 6:09 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Hunter
*Shoots an arrow at you*
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