What to do? New to game.

85 Blood Elf Paladin
I am extremely new to the game so when I started I just picked a realm that wasn't PVP. I know I am not good enough at my skills to beat another player. I was then informed that I was in a role playing server and that I needed a history.

I like the game but the questing can get old. I want to get into the storyline but I have no idea what is really going on. I don't even know why the alliance hates the horde, or why the undead hate everyone.

Is there a location where I can get all the history for free? I don't see it on this site and I have been unsuccessful at finding it anywhere else.

Also, I was wondering if there are any guilds in Cenarion Circle that specialize in getting the new people on the right track?

Thanks guys.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Hm... you could try wowpedia.


I hope that's helpful. :)
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100 Blood Elf Priest
You also don't need a massive backstory. A lot of us when we started began with a bare bones story of the young man/woman from where ever leaving home and growing up in the bad world. If you want goto tavern night tonight, It is at the ratchet bar At 6:30 server. Goto undercity, via the orb in the regents room in silvermoon. Hang a left out the front gate and you will see a tower in front of you, run up it, talk to the boggle there. One boat goes to Orgrimaar, the other to Grom'gar, you want Orgrimaar. Once in Org head out the south gate toill you hit Razor hill. Hang a right to the barrens bridge. Now you have a choice go south along the river till you hit ratchet, dodgeing level 11 or so crocloisks, This faster, but more dangerous. If you dont want to follow the river keep going past the bridge to the watch tower on a north/south road. Head south into the crossroads, you can see it from the tower if your settings are high enough. As you enter crossroads goto the actuall four way road, hang another left and follow the path right into ratchet. Tomorrow night there is clinic, I don't know if Sid hosts it in org still. Wed my own guild holds the welcome walk specifcally for new players. Send a whisper to Poni, she is almost always about.
Edited by Alishandra on 12/6/2010 12:47 PM PST
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OP: you are, believe it or not, in a PERFECT position to start playing on a RP server.

1) you honestly don't know the history of your world. This is actually how the new character SHOULD be. He or she know the alliance is evil, but why? That part is a lot more complicated. Find out by playing. And find out you will, maybe not all at once, but it'll happen, rather like reading a book.

2) No history yet. You can play the game, and make your history as you come across people, do quets, run dungeons, etc.....

3) You get ot build a new rep with no preconceived notions of how it should be.

So, in short, you can be anyone, just, please, no half-dragon catgirls.
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85 Goblin Shaman
wowwiki.com has good information.
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I actually really agree. If you want to start roleplaying, you are really in the perfect position to do so. If you have questions, you can go to events and ask questions there. You should be able to get some knowledge from reading quest text, but that's not everything. I know in Silverpine Forest now, Sylvanas offers a wonderful background on what is happening between the Forsaken and Gilneas/the Worgen. I'm not sure about the other areas, I haven't done most of them since they've been hauled over. If you're looking for a good guild Horde side that roleplays, and would probably be good for a new player, I'd suggest maybe Homeland (Contact Poni). Poni is really sweet OOCly, and they have been known to do 'Welcome Walks' to greet people in the low level areas.

If not, just remember to be respectful of other players who do enjoy roleplay.

As for information, a lot of good places have already been suggested. But I would also suggest going to wow.joystiq.com, a blog known as WoW Insider. They have a column called 'Know Your Lore' which is also full of wonderful background information.

Anyways, good luck!
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Slightly OT: I've actually found that knowing the history and lore makes my game experience that much cooler. I've played every single Warcraft game ever released (including the original Warcraft, which was waaayyy before its time), so whenever I get to a new area in the EK I can reminisce a little bit :)
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