Zolara sat atop her newly purchased Mechostrider and looked out across the snows of Dun Murogh. The wind was slight at her perch. For the last hour Zolara had been forming a most important list. The five most important things to accomplish on becoming a Priestess.

1) Find Gentyl at last and bring her back from lostness.
2) Track down Genstyl and find out if it had become evil
3) Gather a council together of gnome healers to heal the most needed on Azeroth

The third one needed a sublist, and that was the bulk of her thinking this last hour. There was many on Azeroth that needed healing. Zolara began writing.

1) Imperon - so called Imp Lord as he had become most mean lately (especially to gnomes)
2) Abominus - The maggot lord had become too maggoty.

Two names so far. After forming the healing council more names would come. That was the purpose of council. Satisfied with her paper Zolara turned to the controls of her mount. Off to Iron Forge and sending out the word of the council to everyone who would need to know.