Any info on - Turmoil?

85 Human Paladin
Hey all. I've been gone for 3 years and decided to try Wow again. Turmoil had 10 and 25 man raids scheduled multiple times a week and progressed nicely through LK. I was thrilled when I finally got "King Slayer". When CATA came out Turmoil was only doing 10 man's at the time to learn the new content and I was not in the core group (founders of the guild) as a result I was not able to get into the 10 man's. I was pretty much only able to quest and run instances. At the time I was all about raids so I got a bit fed up and lost interest. I originally thought I would just take a month or two off but that turned into 3 years.

Anyway, I looked up Turmoil and it seems pretty much dead. I was just trying to find out what happened. If they changed servers, started a new guild or as it appears just died. If they are still around in some form I would love to know. Had some good times back in the day and liked the peeps. I used to rush home from work to be online in time for the scheduled raid. Turmoil was a mostly drama free guild with a ton of good peeps what worked well together in raids.

Before Turmoil I was in Fellowship of the light. Great peeps here too but much more casual. Most of these peeps are gone too. So bottom line just wondering what happened after I left.....

Just trying to connect with old friends here. Started in vanilla and played through CATA - Last log in was April 2011. WOW, has passed me by but putting some feelers out for old friends.

Thanks for any info :)
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93 Night Elf Druid
05/03/2014 04:25 PMPosted by Cleatus
Hey all. I've been gone for 3 years and decided to try Wow again.

Hey! I've been off the server for about the amount of time. I don't have any information on the guild you're looking for (though I do remember them), but as you've seen things have pretty much died here and the server's pretty empty these days.

Hopefully someone else who can shed some light can stop by. Good luck in finding/contacting old friends!
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90 Draenei Shaman
Hey Cleatus I remember you

Yeah I think John and them went to another game, Me and a few others that I know have just gotten back into wow also, and started a tiny guild for our Toons while we level, I am pretty sure we will look into raiding again, so in the same boat as you..

And ya I miss Turmoil.. pretty damn drama free and good group.. although john could kill us with exsplaing fights every time, but only because new people so often to make sure everyone was on the same page...
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