I'm Telarian and I'm...

90 Blood Elf Warrior
A really old face from the SoE community. I have many alts on here, and still log on them once a month or so just to say hey to a few of the friends that were too stubborn to leave this server.

I'm pretty sure I'm actually the best role player who ever visited this server. I graced many with the honor of trading posts with me. I'm here today just to say hey to those people. I know even reading a post from me gives most of you hot flashes or a full body blush.. trust me I understand.

Anyway! Hey SoE community and know that some of you are in my heart when I think about role play and how my characters developed during my eight year stay on SoE.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
-Swoons- I can't stand it. The allure of you is too strong. -fans self-
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100 Worgen Priest
I remember you ...
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
...in the mountains.
Edited by Nyksis on 5/25/2014 5:11 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
An old face huh? Maybe we met back during TBC? Then again... like 99% of SoE was belfs back then so it could have been somebody else.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
05/24/2014 11:30 AMPosted by Telarian
I'm pretty sure I'm actually the best role player who ever visited this server.

/e snorts objectively , "Bah!"
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100 Blood Elf Priest
I'm old too. Peekaboo.
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