I got out of my local Gamestop at 12:03, since I was first in line. I live close to its location, I was home, installed and logged in by 12:30.
1) The sheer number of people standing on the flight trainer in Stormwind was mind-boggling. Truly. I *finally* managed to get my Flight Master's License, and ran off for the portal to Mt. Hyjal.
2) The sheer number of people questing in Mt. Hyjal was insane. AOE was about the only conceivable way to have a chance of tagging a quest mob, hoping to catch a respawn.
3) Hands down, the single most frustrating part of the whole experience last night was people sitting on top of questgivers on their flying mounts. Upon entering General and asking, politely, for people to be considerate and dismount when they were near a questgiver so everyone could enjoy the game, I was met with "lol u mad?"
I get that there are many people who were trying to get realm firsts. They weren't going to remotely hit 85 last night, and it's a miracle anyone got any realm firsts for professions. The first people getting realm first 85s were happening earlier this afternoon, while I was finishing things up in Hyjal with Jarod and Ysera.
But I was so immensely frustrated last night that I was actually speechless. I couldn't conceive that people could be so wantonly, unmitigatedly rude and selfish with something so simple as clicking once on their hotbar to dismount while they were talking to a questgiver that so many others needed as well.
I got quite a bit of questing done today, finishing the entirety of Mt. Hyjal and getting close to halfway through 82nd level. There are some amazing stories being told on Hyjal, though I have to say I'm now kind of tired of seeing the zone, and hope not to go back soon. I'm getting ready to head to the Maelstrom when I log in tomorrow night, after the inevitable login queues.
Our 'net went down last night about 1:30 in the morning, but it was almost a redundant point, as I was actually moving my mouse pointer to the button for logging out, being so frustrated with peoples' behavior. For a moment, for just a moment, it actually made me ashamed to be playing World of Warcraft.