Casual Reroll Guild going for top realm spot

100 Human Paladin
Have you always wanted to be one of the top raiding guilds on your server, but have real life obligations such as school, work or family? So did we.

This whole journey started a few weeks ago when after a 13 month hiatus my friend and I decided to log on to a RP realm for the first time and noticed just how dead it was. We checked the guild ox and noticed how long it took the only true raiding guild on the server to down 14/14 H SoO with the second raiding guild only halfway through heroic SoO and decided that experienced raiders on a casual schedule could definitely take the title of realm first on Sisters of Elune.

Our goal is to be raid ready by WoD, with a core of 13-17 members to get into flex and normal before getting into 20 man mythic. We will be raiding a casual 3 day a week/3 hours a night on Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday from 7:45-10:45 CST. This allows us to have the weekends open for real life activities while giving us the time in the day, even on raid nights, to finish what we need to in RL.

The Drunken Light Brigade was started in early August and is has over 39 members as of (8/25) -- and new ones are coming in every day! With 3 months left until Warlords this is the perfect time to reroll. If nothing else come check us out and try some different! We are located on the Sisters of Elune server. And yes Sisters of Elune is a RP server, but there is little to no RP going on.

If this sounds like something you can get behind contact anyone in the Drunken Light Brigade or add me, Death #1225, on

We accept all regardless of past raid experience, social players and players looking to just have some fun before WoD!
Edited by Luxillan on 8/24/2014 10:11 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Guild is now made!

You can see our general discussion post here:
Edited by Luxillan on 8/19/2014 10:32 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Updated with new info 25+ members now!
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