With the merge of our communities looming nearer I would like to take this moment to display the Ironforge Guard to the Sisters of Elune RP community for your consideration.
I also invite each of you that are interested or just curious to contact me at any time. My information is listed below.
Thank you!
<The Ironforge Guard> is an RP focused guild.
We are now actively recruiting!
We are RP focused, centering around Police style role play covering the lands of Khaz Modan with Ironforge being the location of our central office / hub.
While our core is the 'guard' of the city and realm, the <Ironforge Guard> is open to all citizens and contractors of the city and region.
Joining the 'guard' faucet of the guild is limited to dwarf and gnome characters.
Membership is otherwise open to all who are citizens of Ironforge or the Realm, and even to those who are not citizens yet hold mercantile interests within the city or realm.
Wildhammer styled characters are more than welcome along with Dark Iron characters.
With the current status of the political air in Ironforge, being under the rule of the Three Hammers, I see no reason currently to restrict classes. All classes are welcome to apply.
Since this is a Role Play focused guild admittance will be given only after an IC introduction followed by an IC interview. In most cases an informal OOC introduction will be conducted beforehand.
Applications to the guard facet of the guild will be limited to Dwarven and Gnomish characters.
Applications to the citizen / business facet of the guild is open to all races and classes. ICly this is limited to 'law abiding' characters, however OOC those of a dubious nature will be entertained.
Applications in general will be accepted informally and OOC on this thread. Again an IC/OOC introduction and interview process will be carried out.
Feel free to contact me on any of the characters listed below in-game anytime ic or ooc, btag or /whisper me, mail me ic or ooc, or post on this thread.
Kelvalnan (IFG guild leader)
All of your thoughts, encouragement, suggestions, and support is greatly appreciated as we take on this opportunity to help fortify the -Ironforge RP- scene.
Thank you all! :)
I also invite each of you that are interested or just curious to contact me at any time. My information is listed below.
Thank you!
<The Ironforge Guard> is an RP focused guild.
We are now actively recruiting!
We are RP focused, centering around Police style role play covering the lands of Khaz Modan with Ironforge being the location of our central office / hub.
While our core is the 'guard' of the city and realm, the <Ironforge Guard> is open to all citizens and contractors of the city and region.
Joining the 'guard' faucet of the guild is limited to dwarf and gnome characters.
Membership is otherwise open to all who are citizens of Ironforge or the Realm, and even to those who are not citizens yet hold mercantile interests within the city or realm.
Khaz Modan includes the zones of Dun Morogh and Loch Modan, but also includes patrols and stations within the contested zones of Khaz Modan such as Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, the Wetlands, and Twilight Highlands.
Wildhammer styled characters are more than welcome along with Dark Iron characters.
With the current status of the political air in Ironforge, being under the rule of the Three Hammers, I see no reason currently to restrict classes. All classes are welcome to apply.
Since this is a Role Play focused guild admittance will be given only after an IC introduction followed by an IC interview. In most cases an informal OOC introduction will be conducted beforehand.
Applications to the guard facet of the guild will be limited to Dwarven and Gnomish characters.
Applications to the citizen / business facet of the guild is open to all races and classes. ICly this is limited to 'law abiding' characters, however OOC those of a dubious nature will be entertained.
Applications in general will be accepted informally and OOC on this thread. Again an IC/OOC introduction and interview process will be carried out.
Feel free to contact me on any of the characters listed below in-game anytime ic or ooc, btag or /whisper me, mail me ic or ooc, or post on this thread.
Kelvalnan (IFG guild leader)
All of your thoughts, encouragement, suggestions, and support is greatly appreciated as we take on this opportunity to help fortify the -Ironforge RP- scene.
Thank you all! :)
Edited by Kelvalnan on 12/30/2014 4:45 PM PST