The Black Envelope [RP Event]

100 Gnome Priest
The way scent triggers visceral memory is a kind of magic in itself, greater than science can fully explain. This is what strikes when one opens the black envelope. How did it arrive and when? It has been awaiting you in a place you couldn't have missed--but did--until that very moment.

A dark mark. Do your hands tremble as you open it? Are there others out there sharing in that sharp intake of breath as the scent slices through the air like a silvered blade? What it summons, that scent, is your greatest fear, the memory of your most devastating loss. And in this world seemingly crafted for no nobler purpose than war--endless, relentless war--no soul is spared from mourning.

When your heart has settled, if your heart ever settles, there are only two lines inked in midnight upon crisp white parchment.

Change is upon us.
Who will you march with?

There is exquisite sorcery at work here, so much so that a time and place is imprinted upon your mind with the clarity of a great tolling bell. You close the black envelope. You await the coming hour.


[ OOC: ]

Hello, CC and SoE friends! I hope you're as excited about this merger as I am! A few of us on CC are planning a PARTAY to celebrate! I wanted to create a pretty open-ended reason for our characters to gather and mingle their wee hearts out. If your character doesn't have a heart, that's okay, too! Forsaken and DK's are totes welcome as this shindig will be cross-faction! So, in sum:

Who: Everyone and their mothers! Even you, you dirty stinkin' Hordies!
What: Partaaaaaay!
Where: Dalaran, The Ledgerman Lodge
When: Thursday, August 21st, 6pm PST

Hope to see you there!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I'll likely pop in for a tasty beverage and the chance to greet our new Cenarion Circle friends!
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