
66 Night Elf Priest
So it was laggy earlier figured it is something to do with the merge. Now it won't let me in the game says a character with that name already exists is anyone else having similar problems?
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66 Night Elf Priest
Well guess I am done playing wow till they figure this problem out.
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66 Night Elf Priest
Oh wow now I am in a 16 minute que just to log on.....
Edited by Lilorean on 8/23/2014 7:27 PM PDT
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90 Goblin Warlock
It's not just you and I think it has to do with battlenet as a whole and not the merge. Things have been so bad for me I left an RP event I always attend because the game is unplayable in this state. I recommend being patient and hope things are better tomorrow night.
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100 Human Monk
yea getting hardcore latency from server blizz better get this straightened out soon.
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100 Pandaren Hunter
some folks i was just running with b4 this massive lag said something about hackers or what not, spamming blizz causing world lag idk if that ture or not but ya :(
Edited by Swiftbladz on 8/23/2014 8:35 PM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
This is the result of a heavy DDoS attack - Blizzard's doing everything in their power to mitigate it and keep servers online, which isn't easy, DDoS attacks are impossible to outright stop, and difficult to mitigate.
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