The AAMS ABKS Mystery Subscription [A-H RP]

100 Gnome Priest
The 'Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service' would like to take a moment to extend an invitation to the role players of Sisters of Elune to participate in our 'Anything But the Kitchen Sink' Mystery Subscription!

The AAMS is a peaceful cross-faction guild that serves both Horde and Alliance members by providing courier services, translations, and other hard-to-define services (aka whatever we make up) while encouraging both factions to continue open trade relations... via the AAMS, of course.

We've recently started a new mystery subscription program for a bit of fun at the beginning of every month and to foster some more in-character interactions. The original thread is here:

Since we're now able to trade with SoE people, I would like to offer you the chance to sign up, as well! August's delivery was a lovely chocolate cake to celebrate the launch of the program. If you're curious about what we have planned for September, you'll need to sign up to find out!

What is the ABKS Program?
At the beginning of every month, the AAMS will deliver a 'mystery' package to our subscribers, in person and in character. The package will change every month and cost 1 gold upon receipt. Any package not delivered in person by the 15th will be mailed.

What's the point?
The point is to have some fun, create a chance for some IC interaction, and for us to meet different people on the servers!

Who may sign up?
Any character on CC or SoE may sign up; we serve both Alliance and Horde communities.

How do I sign up?
You may sign up by speaking to any AAMS representative, or by posting on one of the ABKS forums threads. You will remained on our list until you remove yourself; no need to sign up every single month.

We request that everyone be signed up at leave seven days prior to the first of the month to allow us time to collect materials. For September's delivery, we would normally ask that you sign up before August 25th, however in light of the recent merge, we will accept sign-ups from SoE through the end of the month.

Any questions can be posted here, or addressed in game to myself on Alliance side. Horde players can talk to our Horde branch manager, Braedorialai, or my goblin, Kezrin.

I hope to see some sign ups soon!
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100 Goblin Warlock
My name is... er... Morm...ezzy an' I'd like ta sign up.


No I'm not related to that warl-er... fire mage called Mormel.
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100 Gnome Priest
All of our September sign-ups have been delivered!

Well, except to someone named Mormezzy. Couldn't find her...

There's still time to sign up for October. Just give us a reply by Tuesday night, Sept. 23rd!
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