major disconects

39 Pandaren Warrior
I'm not sure where to post this, and it only seems to be on the sisters of elune realm, as my other characters on different realms are not suffering from this.
as well as errors with the character lists, and "a character with this name already exists"
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93 Night Elf Druid
Hey! If you're still having issues, it would be a good idea to post this over on the tech support forums, as generally the mods don't patrol the server ones.

I haven't logged into SoE in the past couple of days or so, but like you I'm not having issues on any other server.

Good luck!
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100 Undead Priest
Same issue as @Tahasu for last two nights; random dc's and then trouble reconnecting. Killed raiding...definitely a problem and happening very frequently.
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