
89 Dwarf Death Knight
So i'm thinking on moving to a new location, some place that isn't full and locked like my server.

Since i use to be on this realm 7 years ago, thinking on coming back, so how is it here, hows the general feel of the alliance community?
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome! Sisters of Elune was recently merged (or "connected" as Blizz likes to call it) with Cenarion Circle so that gave the whole server a big breath of life. While people for both Horde and Alliance are pretty close knit we are nonetheless a friendly bunch. Of course don't expect the same kind of player traffic or realm economy that you will find on a high population server.

The Cenarion Circle forums are more active than the Sisters of Elune one so I recommend posting your query there. I'm not sure what your interests are but I can say that the RP community for both factions is active with a few events being held every week. Also, since the merge the Alliance community is larger than the Horde one but not massively so.
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