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How did the Drunken Light Brigade start?
The DLB started out as a reroll guild in early August, when after a 13 month hiatus my friend and I decided to log on to a RP realm for the first time and noticed just how dead it was. We checked the guild ox and noticed how long it took the few raiding guilds on the server to down heroic SoO content and decided that experienced raiders on a casual schedule could definitely take the title of realm first on Sisters of Elune.
Who are the members of the DLB?
Most of us are returning raiders from the BC/WOTLK days that for numerous reasons have decided to return for WoD, with an average age of around 29 but ranging anywhere from 20-46.
What is the DLB hoping to accomplish?
Our goal is to be raid ready by WoD, with a core group looking to get into Mythic content at an accelerated pace without sacrificing our friendship and sanity. We will be raiding a casual 3 day a week/3 hours a night on Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday from 7:45-10:45 CST. This allows us to have the weekends open for real life activities while giving us the time in the day, even on raid nights, to finish what we need to in RL.
** Recruitment! ***
Immediate recruitment needs are as follows
Classes we are accepting to complete our 25 man roster:
(1) Healer - Either Paladin, Druid or Shaman
(3) Dps - Preferably Rogue, Mage and DK
I have never been a top guild before, can I still apply for the guilds?
Yes, this guild is meant for those raiders who want to keep raiding on their casual schedule, but see content! Being on the top of the server doesn't mean we will be pushing US 100!
When are your raid times?
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7:45-10;45!
How many of your members are from CC or SoE
As of this post 90.5% of our members are originally from a different server.
How does the DLB handle loot?
A revised form of Loot Council, check the details out on our site!
I'd like to talk someone before committing who do I contact?
That would be me! I'd love to chat add me on Death#1225
How did the Drunken Light Brigade start?
The DLB started out as a reroll guild in early August, when after a 13 month hiatus my friend and I decided to log on to a RP realm for the first time and noticed just how dead it was. We checked the guild ox and noticed how long it took the few raiding guilds on the server to down heroic SoO content and decided that experienced raiders on a casual schedule could definitely take the title of realm first on Sisters of Elune.
Who are the members of the DLB?
Most of us are returning raiders from the BC/WOTLK days that for numerous reasons have decided to return for WoD, with an average age of around 29 but ranging anywhere from 20-46.
What is the DLB hoping to accomplish?
Our goal is to be raid ready by WoD, with a core group looking to get into Mythic content at an accelerated pace without sacrificing our friendship and sanity. We will be raiding a casual 3 day a week/3 hours a night on Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday from 7:45-10:45 CST. This allows us to have the weekends open for real life activities while giving us the time in the day, even on raid nights, to finish what we need to in RL.
** Recruitment! ***
Immediate recruitment needs are as follows
Classes we are accepting to complete our 25 man roster:
(1) Healer - Either Paladin, Druid or Shaman
(3) Dps - Preferably Rogue, Mage and DK
I have never been a top guild before, can I still apply for the guilds?
Yes, this guild is meant for those raiders who want to keep raiding on their casual schedule, but see content! Being on the top of the server doesn't mean we will be pushing US 100!
When are your raid times?
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7:45-10;45!
How many of your members are from CC or SoE
As of this post 90.5% of our members are originally from a different server.
How does the DLB handle loot?
A revised form of Loot Council, check the details out on our site!
I'd like to talk someone before committing who do I contact?
That would be me! I'd love to chat add me on Death#1225
Edited by Luxillan on 11/1/2014 6:33 PM PDT