Supply Caravan (RP Event)

100 Blood Elf Warlock
"Supplying New Adventures

Crimson Moon is offering up free bags and related supplies to help any new adventuring souls begin the journey. The supply wagon will travel between the major cities with the Darkmoon Fair caravan.

The free items offered will vary upon the donations available to hand out!"

IC Information
Everything on the above flyer is available as IC information.

Rumors about these gifted donations is that everything from traveling companions (pets), clothes, and other odds and ends have been given out based on need and availability.

OOC information

Items will only be handed out through role-playing. Its our guilds way to try and encourage role-playing and people to try out the server! So it is mostly done to assist people starting new characters in a place or a side they have not tried out before. More experienced characters / higher level are welcome to join in to share information of traveling/adventures along with helping out the Caravan if they so wish to help!

Please note that Crimson Moon is a horde guild on Earthen Ring and we only have means to hand out to horde characters!

The location each month will vary but we will try to stick with the original concept behind the Darkmoon fair traveling from city to city. So one month we might be out in Blood Elf starting lands, the next out in the orcs starting land, and so on and so on.

Players do NOT have to join the guild to participate. But membership is always open to those that wish to join!

If anyone wants to assist with this, the more the merrier!

RP Event Contact info
Incinerate or Faeti On Earthen Ring

Next event:
January 4, 2015 @ 5pm Server time (Eastern Time Zone) Tirisfal Glade Brill

Past Events:
December 7, 2014 @ 8 PM server time (Eastern time zone) Durator's Valley of Trials
November 8th, 2014 @ 8 PM server time (Eastern time zone) Mulgore's Bloodhoof Village
Edited by Incinerate on 12/26/2014 2:51 PM PST
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90 Pandaren Rogue
*Screams* I'm thinking about transferring some of my characters to Earthen Ring more and more! It seems like such a great community from what I've heard :')
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
11/06/2014 06:04 PMPosted by Tsarinade
*Screams* I'm thinking about transferring some of my characters to Earthen Ring more and more! It seems like such a great community from what I've heard :')

I just got back into the game when they did that free week trial. So I did play on a number of different rp realms to see what it was like and if the people were friendly. It was my personal choice to go here because it was really welcoming! My sister also recommended the realm.

You are more than welcome to hop over with a new toon. I don't mind setting people up with bags and stuff to help players experience the realm!

The server also has a really neat website for events horde and alliance, and so much more. It was hard finding a free day horde side that doesn't have events already taking place, so I put this event a few hours before a tavern rp also taking place that night/tomorrow. :)
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90 Pandaren Rogue
Compared to that, Sentinels seems pretty dead, lol. But I guess for that very reason it still needs people like me and the other stubborn roleplayers who've stuck it out over there lol, willing to keep roleplay alive on it if given the chance x'D

But I may look into making a new character on that server, and if I do, I'll see if I can hit you up :')
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
11/07/2014 02:45 PMPosted by Tsarinade
Compared to that, Sentinels seems pretty dead, lol. But I guess for that very reason it still needs people like me and the other stubborn roleplayers who've stuck it out over there lol, willing to keep roleplay alive on it if given the chance x'D

But I may look into making a new character on that server, and if I do, I'll see if I can hit you up :')

By all means, please do! I really love that people can even invite characters from other realms to come visit for RP on whatever server! But the event really is to try and help get new characters started on RP on ER! Its pretty much the purpose behind the event that will take place every month, off and on during the Darkmoon's Fair stuff.
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86 Blood Elf Hunter
Lol, I used to go on Steamwheedle, looking for RP. That whole group is dead. No one ever RPs in the Horde anymore. Alliance has an RP guild or two, but Blizzard should just change it to normal.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
11/07/2014 02:45 PMPosted by Tsarinade
Compared to that, Sentinels seems pretty dead, lol.

This is no "seems" in it. It is dead as it can be. Makes me sad. I'll probably look for another home for my mains.
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90 Pandaren Rogue
Actually I've seen a few roleplay groups there that are active every week, on both Alliance and Horde. It's not much, but I'm willing to give them a tip of the hat for even being present. So no, there /is/ a "seems" in it ;')
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
11/09/2014 10:25 AMPosted by Eago
11/07/2014 02:45 PMPosted by Tsarinade
Compared to that, Sentinels seems pretty dead, lol.

This is no "seems" in it. It is dead as it can be. Makes me sad. I'll probably look for another home for my mains.

You should check out Earthen Ring then! I am not active alliance side on it, so I can't speak for it. But they are larger than the horde side, and over in horde there are rp events on just about every day of the week. it was hard to find a good time/day to squeeze mine in among all the activity!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Next event: December 7, 2014 @ 8 PM server time (Eastern time zone) Durator's Valley of Trials

RP thread:
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Next Event January 4, 2015 @ 5pm Eastern Time on Earthen Ring's Brill

RP Thread
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