Looking for old friends

56 Human Warlock
I played back in vanilla with a guild on Argent Dawn, Familiae Stragum, then took several years off. I came back to find a message in the guild announcement saying the members were moving to Sisters of Elune. I had a lot of fun running with that guild and was wondering if any of them still played. The message said to contact Hayt, but he appears to be inactive now. Any help is appreciated.

Familiae Stragum - Argent Dawn
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100 Goblin Warlock
Unfortunately the past several years have not been kind to SoE and there are a ton of defunct guilds as a result. I am not familiar with any ex-Familiae Stragum members or what their new guild on SoE might have been named. Fortunately we have recently been merged with Cenarion Circle which did a lot to stimulate our community. I recommend posting a thread on their forums (which is more active than SoE's) to see if, by some off chance, someone might know something. You can also hop into the game on peak hours and join the /AllianceOOC chat channel to ask too.

Sorry I could not be of more help.
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